Cover art for publication GH6130

Developing a Parenting Plan: A Guide for Divorcing Parents


Teresa Mareschal,
Regional Specialist, Human Development and Family Science 

In 1998, the Missouri General Assembly mandated divorcing parents with children under the age of 18 to file a parenting plan with the court as a part of the divorce process.

Cover art for publication GH6602

Activities for Helping Children Deal With Divorce


During a divorce, children often feel various conflicting emotions and need their parents’ understanding and support. Learn ways to support children and help them work through their feelings, concerns and frustrations about the divorce in this University

Cover art for publication GH6608

Domestic Violence and Custody Issues


David Schramm
State Specialist, Human Development and Family Science

Jennifer Carter Dochler,
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Kelly Martinez,
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Cover art for publication GH6614

Long-Distance Parenting: A Co-Parenting Guide for Divorced and Separated Parents


David Schramm
State Specialist, Human Development and Family Science

Christina Pucci
Graduate Student, Human Development and Family Science

Cover art for publication GH6700

Foundations for a Successful Stepfamily


Diana Milne
Regional Specialist, Human Development and Family Science

Cover art for publication DMS241

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Sign — We Stock Healthy (small: 8.5 x 11 inches) (Spanish)


Retailers participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program can use this 8.5-by-11-inch Spanish sign (or English version) to let customers know they are stocking more healthy foods. Learn about this program that aims to create healthy communities.

Cover art for publication DMS228

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Loyalty Card — Fresh Produce (Spanish)


Reward customers for buying fresh produce. This Spanish loyalty card, which encourages healthy food purchases, was created for small food-retailers in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program. Also available in English. Print, cut, distribute, punch.

Cover art for publication DMS231

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Loyalty Program Sign — Milk (Spanish)


Encourage customers to buy skim or 1% milk by offering a loyalty program that offers a free half gallon after the purchase of 10. Post this Spanish sign to promote the program. Also available in English. Learn more about Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy today.

Cover art for publication G7601

Seasonal Apiary Management for Missouri


Learn how to establish, manage and maintain beehives to foster healthy bees and produce surplus honey to use or sell. Flowering periods for Missouri honey plants are included in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Cover art for publication DMS239

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Sign — We Stock Healthy (large: 24 x 36 inches) (Spanish)


Retailers participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program can use this 24-by-36-inch Spanish sign (or English version) to let customers know they are stocking more healthy foods. Learn about this program that aims to create healthy communities.

Cover art for publication G9418

Managing Ponds and Lakes for Aquaculture and Fisheries in Missouri: Pond Management Calendar


Managing a pond or lake for sport fishing takes time, resources and a year-round commitment. Timing is crucial to many pond and lake management practices. The pond management calendar in Table 1 can help you plan management activities. It is not a comprehensive list of management activities, but rather an overview of the most important ones.

Cover art for publication DMS229

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Loyalty Program Sign — Fresh Produce (Spanish)


Encourage customers to buy fresh produce by offering a loyalty program that offers a free fresh item after the purchase of 10. Post this Spanish sign to promote the program. Also available in English. Learn more about Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy today.

Cover art for publication DMS247

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Shelf Talkers (Spanish)


Small food-retailers participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program, help your Spanish-speaking customers make the healthier choice by posting these shelf talkers to present health information about various products. Download, print and hang!

Cover art for publication DMS203

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Recipe Cards (Spanish)


These recipe cards are for stores participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program to share with their Spanish-speaking customers to encourage healthy eating.

Cover art for publication DMS237

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Sign — Fruits and Veggies in Cooler (half page) (Spanish)


Retailers participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program can use this 8.5-by-5.5-inch Spanish sign (or English version) to alert customers to the presence of fruits and vegetables in a cooler. Learn about this healthy community program.

Cover art for publication DMS240

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Sign — We Stock Healthy (medium: 11 x 17 inches) (Spanish)


Retailers participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program can use this 11-by-17-inch Spanish sign (or English version) to let customers know they are stocking more healthy foods. Learn about this program that aims to create healthy communities.

Cover art for publication DMS230

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Loyalty Card — Milk (Spanish)


Reward customers for buying skim or 1% milk. This Spanish loyalty card, which encourages healthy food purchases, was created for small food-retailers in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program. Also available in English. Print, cut, distribute, punch.

Cover art for publication DMS238

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Sign — We Stock Healthy (front door sign or window cling; 4 x 6 inches) (Spanish)


Retailers participating in the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program can use this 4-by-6-inch Spanish sign or window cling (or English version) to let customers know they are stocking more healthy foods. Learn about this healthy community program.

Cover art for publication G9417

Hunting Doves on Agricultural Lands in Missouri


Mourning doves are protected: It is illegal to bait a field for the purpose of hunting them. Learn about baiting regulations and the differences between baiting and what constitutes a normal agricultural operation in Missouri in this MU Extension guide.

G6201 Table 2 thumbnail.

Vegetable Planting Calendar, Page 3


Table 2 lists recommended vegetable varieties and planting dates.

Cover art for publication MG7

Establishment and Care of Woody Ornamentals

Reviewed $10

Chapter 7 of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual

Christopher J. Starbuck
Associate Professor Emeritus
Division of Plant Sciences

Cover art for publication G9416

Ecology and Management of Mourning Doves in Missouri


Mourning doves are among the most popular migratory game birds in Missouri. Doves’ quick flight, erratic movements and edible meat make them a popular species among hunters and wildlife enthusiasts in Missouri, where the annual harvest of mourning doves is greater than that of other game bird species.

Cover art for publication G6201

Vegetable Planting Calendar


Plant a vegetable garden to save on your family food bill and promote good dietary habits. The tables in this guide help Missourians plan what to plant, when to plant and how much of each vegetable to plant.

Cover art for publication DMS242

Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy: Table Tent — Free Tastes (Spanish)


Small food-retailers, stock healthy so your customers can shop healthy. Use this table tent to encourage your Spanish-speaking customers to sample a healthy food you are promoting as part of the Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy program.

G6201 Table 1 thumbnail.

Vegetable Planting Calendar, Page 2


Table 1 lists guidelines for planting certain cool-season, warm-season and perennial vegetables: amount to plant, seed required for 100-foot row, distance between rows, distance between plants in rows, seed planting depth, and days from planting to harvest.

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