Can-Do Recipes: Rice
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using rice as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Southeast Missouri Soybean Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing soybeans on southeast Missouri farms.
Can-Do Recipes: Corn
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using corn as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Missouri Beef Cow-Calf Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for a beef cow-calf operation (50-cow herd and purchased replacements) in Missouri for fall or spring calving season.
Southeast Missouri Grain Sorghum (Double-Crop) Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when double-cropping grain sorghum on southeast Missouri farms.
Can-Do Recipes: Pork
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using pork as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Dairy Heifer Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for raising dairy heifers purchased at birth, bred and sold at 24 months in Missouri, and see input and feed needs.
Sheep Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for raising Missouri sheep in a 50-ewe, spring-lambing flock and marketing lambs at 65 to 75 pounds.
Can-Do Recipes: Pineapple
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using pineapple as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
On-Farm Beef Finishing Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate the costs and returns for producing, raising, home-finishing and commercially selling beef calves in Missouri. This budget includes both spring and fall calving herds.
Can-Do Recipes: Lentils
New from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using lentils as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Can-Do Recipes: Peas
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using peas as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Southeast Missouri Wheat Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing wheat on southeast Missouri farms.
Can-Do Recipes: Tuna
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using tuna as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Dairy (Confinement) Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for a 150-cow confinement dairy (replacements raised on-farm) in Missouri and see input, feed and investment needs.
Southeast Missouri Soybean (Double-Crop) Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when double-cropping soybeans on southeast Missouri farms.
Marketing Maple Syrup in Missouri
Read highlights of the findings from a MU Extension study exploring maple syrup production in the lower Midwest, including interviews with Missouri producers and best practices for marketing products.
Can-Do Recipes: Ramen Noodles
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using ramen as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Southeast Missouri Cotton Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing cotton on southeast Missouri farms.
Can-Do Recipes: Crackers
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using crackers as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Can-Do Recipes: Cranberries
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using cranberries as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
A Taste of Missouri — October — Turnips
New $3.25
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using turnips are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
Can-Do Recipes: Chicken
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using chicken as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.
Southeast Missouri Corn Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing corn on southeast Missouri farms.
Goat Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns when raising Missouri meat goats in a 50-doe, spring kidding herd.