E3A Home Energy: Water Heater
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E3A Biodiesel: Production
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Chief Officer, Fourth Edition Manual
New from $65 to $80
This manual aims to provide the knowledge and skills base for Fire Officer III and IV candidates that is required by the NFPA 1021 job performance requirements. The text provides students with information about a chief officer's responsibility to supervise, manage, and administer fire and emergency services organizations.

E3A Home Energy: Energy-Efficient Lighting
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E3A Micro-hydro: Understanding Micro-hydro
Micro-hydro involves a range of system sizes and can be used with a grid-connected or off-grid, battery-based system. Learn about micro-hydro systems designed to offset energy consumption in a home, farm or ranch in this guide.

E3A Micro-hydro: Regulations
Any new micro-hydropower facility in Missouri is subject to regulatory approval concerning surface water use and diversions. Learn about the steps for licensing one in this guide.

E3A Understanding Energy: Needs Assessment
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E3A Small Wind: Understand Small Wind
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E3A Understanding Energy: Green Building Programs for High Performance and Energy Efficiency
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E3A Small Wind: Estimating Energy Production
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E3A Small Wind: Siting and Permitting
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E3A Understanding Energy: Carbon and Energy in the United States
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E3A Small Wind: Wind for Pumping Water
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E3A Anaerobic Digesters: Understanding Technical Feasibility
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E3A Farm Energy: Energy-Saving Practices for Dairy Operations
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E3A Anaerobic Digesters: Selection
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E3A Solar Electricity: Building and Site Assessment
Answer these questions to see if a solar electric system will work for you. Learn the importance of roof angle, condition, orientation, size and sun exposure.

E3A Solar Hot Water: Building and Site Assessment
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E3A Solar Electricity: System Components
Learn about parts of a solar electric system, including batteries, charge controllers, crystalline silicon, inverters, meters and photovoltaic materials.

E3A Home Energy: Gas Appliances
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E3A Solar Hot Water: System Sizing
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E3A Solar Electricity: Costs
Learn about the costs of a solar electric system, how to estimate cost savings and simple payback for a net-metered photovoltaic (PV) system, and more.

E3A Home Energy: Insulating Side Walls
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E3A Solar Hot Water: Operation and Maintenance
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E3A Solar Electricity: Electricity Use Worksheet
Use this electricity-use worksheet to estimate your energy use and help you determine what size solar electric system would meet your energy needs.