G7364 cover thumbnail image of a drawing of a scorpion



Scorpions make up a small order of arthropods closely related to spiders. Visit our website to learn more about scorpions.

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Utility Drones in Agriculture: Procedures for Drone Calibration and Worksheet for Evaluating Spreading Patterns


Learn what's needed to calibrate a drone, the calibration process and what to track for drone spread patterns.

G2325 cover image thumbnail, pigs eating at a feeder

Pan Coverage: Controlling the Controllables to Improve Feed Utilization


Up to 15% of delivered feed is estimated to be wasted annually due to improper feed pan coverage and mismanaged feeders. Producers who focus on managing this critical factor can considerably enhance feed efficiency and improve profitability.

G2325 cover image thumbnail, pigs eating at a feeder

Cobertura en el Comedero: Controlando los Controlables para Mejorar la Utilización del Alimento


Se estima que hasta el 15% del alimento entregado se desperdicia anualmente debido a una cobertura inadecuada del plato de alimento y a una mala administración de los comederos. Los productores que se centran en gestionar este factor crítico pueden mejorar considerablemente la eficiencia alimenticia y mejorar la rentabilidad.

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Controlled Environment Agriculture: Understanding Grow Lights


Learn about key considerations for selecting grow lights for use in indoor hydroponic systems.

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Increasing Drought Resilience Through Conservation Practices: Opportunities With Federal Conservation Programs


Help your farming operation become more drought resilient by learning about conservation programs and practices and the answers to frequently asked questions.

G2104 cover image of a black cow and a calf

Vaccination Program for a Cow-Calf Operation


An overview of a vaccine program for a cow-calf operation, covering the viruses and bacteria of concern, the difference between killed and modified live viral vaccines, and an example of a vaccine schedule.

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Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel


Proper watering and fertilization are essential for producing tomatoes in a high tunnel. High tunnels keep out natural rainfall, so timely irrigation is necessary.

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Planificación de Negocios para Parcelas Pequeñas en Missouri


Aprenda por qué la planificación empresarial en torno al mercadeo, los activos y la rentabilidad es importante para lanzar con éxito una empresa de pequeña escala.

Publication cover.

Missouri Dairy Industry Revitalization Study


Learn more about Missouri’s dairy industry trends concerning its dairy cow inventory, farms, production, prices, production economics and processing industry and how these affect the state’s economy.

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Farmers Guide to the H-2A Visa Program


Missouri employers can use the H-2A visa program to get foreign workers for agricultural jobs. Learn about the H-2A visa process, who can help, costs and employer requirements.

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Introduction to Beef Cow Leases


Leasing beef cows can be an effective financial strategy for a variety of cow-calf producers. This guide outlines effective approaches for both new and experienced producers to enter into successful cow lease agreements.

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Beef Feeding Profitability Tracker


Learn how to use the Beef Feeding Profitability Tracker tool, a financial analysis spreadsheet tool for small to mid-size cattle feeders to use free of charge.

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Common Diseases in the Home Garden


Parasitic diseases and nonparasitic disorders can cause serious vegetable losses in home gardens.

G852 publication cover.

Missouri Slaughter and Inspection Requirements for Livestock and Poultry Producers


Livestock producers can capture value by selling value-added meat products. Review meat inspection requirements and reach out to the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Meat and Poultry Inspection Program as your first step.

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Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2025, No. 1 (January/February)


A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.

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Haltering and Tying Horses


Halters are designed to help catch, hold, lead and tie horses and ponies. A rider may choose to have a specific halter for each horse, or they can select one of the correct size and adjust it to fit any horse.

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Trail Riding Checklist


One of the most important things for trail riding is to make sure you know what to bring for people, horses and camping. Use this checklist to help pack for trail rides of all kinds.

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Community Pleasure Trail Riding


Missouri has many scenic and challenging trails for riders. Many areas with streams, rivers, hills and trees have numerous trails on which local groups can ride.

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SNAP Outreach Thank You Card (Bundle of 50)

New $26

This promotional piece is intended for Family Nutrition Education Program employees to use as needed.

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A Taste of Missouri — December — Spaghetti Squash

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using spaghetti squash are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

Cover art for publication MP909

Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.

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MOCAN Strategic Plan 2025–2030


Purpose & Structure

The Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition (MOCAN) is a coalition composed of representatives from statewide and local agencies, institutions, organizations, other coalitions, and individuals who collaborate to implement policy, systems and environmental change to improve physical activity and eating behaviors of Missourians.

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MOCAN Strategic Plan 2025–2030 - Page 4


Food Systems Work Group

Enhance equitable access to healthy foods across the Missouri food system.

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MOCAN Strategic Plan 2025–2030 - Page 7


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