Agricultural Plant Pest Control (Category 1A)

Reviewed $25

Missouri pesticide applicators, prepare for the Category 1A, Agricultural Plant Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture with the help of this manual from University of Missouri Extension.

Corn Diseases III


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Watermelon Bacterial Fruit Blotch


Lewis W. Jett
Department of Horticulture

Timothy P. Baker
Regional Horticulture Specialist
Dunklin County

Barbara Corwin
Department of Plant Pathology

Pesticide Poisoning Symptoms and First Aid


Pesticide poisoning is a commonly under-diagnosed illness. Visit our website to learn about pesticide poisoning symptoms and first aid.



Cockroaches are flat, quick-moving insects that are active at night. Visit our website today to learn more about cockroaches.

Journaling With Teens


Lynn Blinn Pike
Human Development and Family Studies

Teen journaling is a tool for helping teens understand themselves better. Because it is a form of personal expression, journaling can occur in many ways:

Vegetative Barriers for Erosion Control


Pieter Los, Stephen H. Anderson, and Clark J. Gantzer
Department of Soil and Atmospheric Sciences

Septic Tank/Absorption Field Systems: A Homeowner's Guide to Installation and Maintenance


70% of septic tanks don't function properly. Visit our site for our: Septic Tank/Absorption Field Systems: A Homeowner's Guide to Installation and Maintenance.

Nurturing Children’s Talents


Sara Gable
Human Development Extension State Specialist

Adults can nurture children's positive self-esteem by helping them discover what they are good at doing. Part of a child's self esteem comes from feeling competent and skilled at something she or he enjoys. You can play a big role in helping children to be successful and feel good about themselves.

Plants Poisonous to Livestock


Fred Fishel
Department of Agronomy

Home Safety Checklist for Families With Young Children


Annette Kusgen McDaniel
Graduate Research Assistant

Sara Gable
Human Development Extension State specialist

This checklist is designed to make your home environment safer by preventing accidents and injuries.

Periodical Cicadas in Missouri


Bruce A. Barrett
Department of Entomology

Biological and Integrated Control of Musk Thistle in Missouri


Benjamin Puttler and Wayne C. Bailey
Department of Entomology

Musk thistle, Carduus nutans L., is a European weed introduced accidentally into the eastern seaboard of the United States in the mid- to late 1800s. It has since spread throughout most of North America, where it has become a weed of considerable economic importance.

Nature, Nurture and Early Brain Development


New research on early brain development provides an opportunity to examine how nature and nurture work together to shape human development. Visit our site.

Seeding Rates, Dates and Depths for Common Missouri Forages


Visit our site for our resource on Seeding Rates, Dates and Depths for Common Missouri Forages.

Insect and Mite Pests of Apples


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available only as a downloadable PDF.

Land Application Equipment for Livestock and Poultry Manure Management


Donald L. Pfost and Charles D. Fulhage
Agricultural Engineering Extension

Otto Alber
Natural Resources Conservation Service

Site Assessment: Protecting Water Quality Around Your Home (Fact Sheet)


Fact sheet 1

Work sheet 1

How to Manage and Control Storm Water Runoff (Work Sheet)


Work sheet 2

Fact sheet 2

Household Wastewater: Septic Systems and Other Treatment Methods (Fact Sheet)


Visit our website here to view our Household Wastewater: Septic Systems and Other Treatment Methods (Fact Sheet).

Yard and Garden Care: How It Affects Your Health and Environment (Work Sheet)


Work sheet 5

Fact sheet 5

Site Assessment: Protecting Water Quality Around Your Home (Work Sheet)


Work sheet 1

Fact sheet 1

Drinking Water Well Management (Fact Sheet)


Learn how to keep your well water free of harmful contaminants. These tips on well location, construction and maintenance; water testing; and abandoned wells can help.

Household Wastewater: Septic Systems and Other Treatment Methods (Work Sheet)


Work sheet 4

Fact sheet 4

Assessment 1
Septic system design and location

This work sheet is used with Fact Sheet 4, which provides information and resources to address household wastewater problems that may be revealed through the use of this work sheet.

An Introduction to Assessing the Environmental Safety of Your Home


Home-A-Syst is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your home and property for pollution and health risks. In every home — large or small, new or old, city or country — there are potential pollution sources that can affect the health of your family, your community, or the environment.

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