Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 18


Red oak (Quercus borealis) Large trees Maximum height
70 feet Relative growth rate
Good Freedom from insect pests
Good Freedom from disease problems
Good Resistance to storm damage
Excellent Will grow on poorly drained soil

Corn Diseases


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 21


Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) Large trees

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 24


Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Large trees


Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 27


White ash (Fraxinus americana) Large trees


Grandparents as Caregivers — Common Questions


Teresa Cooney
Human Development and Family Studies

Making Time for Family: Balancing Media Consumption - Common Questions for Parents and Grandparents


Brian Bowles
MU Extension's ParentLink

Reviewed by Megan Roodhouse
Human Development and Family Studies

Missouri Bobwhite Quail Habitat Appraisal Guide


Assessing your farm's potential for bobwhites

Robert A

Important Missouri Laws: A Guide for New Residents


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Helpful Tips for Grandparents and Caregivers: Talking With Young People About Sex


Veronica Stovall
Center on Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Parenting

Talking with young people about sex can be uncomfortable and difficult at times. But it is important that you establish yourself as a trusted source of reliable information for the child in your care. Here are some valuable tips for talking about sexuality with your young person.

When a Child's Parent Is Incarcerated


Tanja Rothrauff
Graduate student
Human Development and Family Studies

Reviewed by Megan Roodhouse
Human Development and Family Studies
and Brian Bowles

Tips for School Success: Common Questions for Grandparents


Tanja Rothrauff
Graduate student
Human Development and Family Studies

Reviewed by Megan Roodhouse
Human Development and Family Studies
and Brian Bowles

Ice and Freeze Damage to Ornamental and Fruit Trees: Implications and Remediation


Chris Starbuck and Michele Warmund
Division of Plant Sciences

Integrated Pest Management in Missouri’s Green Industries


Steven D. Kirk
Plant Protection Programs

Brad S. Fresenburg
Division of Plant Sciences

Christopher J. Starbuck
Division of Plant Sciences

Justin R. Morris Vineyard Mechanization Symposium: Workshop Proceedings


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, Fifth Edition Manual E-book

New $65

Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase as an e-book.

To order publications for a tax-exempt organization, contact for instructions.

Understanding and Preventing Freeze Damage in Vineyards: Workshop Proceedings


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual

New $25

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Published by MU Extension in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency

Calculating Plant-Available Nitrogen and Residual Nitrogen Value in Manure


John A. Lory
Division of Plant Sciences and the Commercial Agriculture Program

Glenn Davis
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Ron Miller and Glenn Davis
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

The Mimosa Webworm in Missouri


Bruce A. Barrett
Department of Entomology

The mimosa webworm, Homadaula anisocentra Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), attacks the leaves of both mimosa and honey locust trees.

Rules for Missouri Townships, Page 12


Townships have the same requirements for seeking bids as counties. Any purchase of $6,000 or more must be bid. Public announcement of a bid must be published in a newspaper.

Rules for Missouri Townships, Page 15


The conflict of interest law basically says that officials will not do business with themselves. They may not be paid or receive anything of value for official actions, beyond the statutory salary; they may not use information gained in an official capacity to benefit themselves or another; and they may not use official acts to benefit spouse or children.

Rules for Missouri Townships, Page 18


The County Aid Road Trust, known as CART, was one of the first revenue sharing programs in Missouri. These monies are strictly for use on roads and bridges.

Rules for Missouri Townships, Page 02


Township organization is an option open to third- and fourth class-counties in Missouri. Townships have been chosen by 22 counties.

Rules for Missouri Townships, Page 04


The township board has three members and three votes. At the first meeting after election, one of the two board members is designated president, primarily to sign papers in the township’s name.

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