Maintaining Small Dams


Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Hugh A. Curry
Natural Resources Conservation Service

Dams are a valuable asset. They usually impound water with little input from the owner, and problems that occur usually are minor.

Caucasian Bluestem


Craig Roberts
Department of Agronomy

Setting Up a Used Latex Paint Collection Site


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management


This technical bulletin describes collection procedures and management options for latex paint only. Solvent-based paint requires very different management procedures. Review the entire bulletin before beginning the program.

Walk-Through Trap to Control Horn Flies on Cattle


Robert D. Hall
Department of Entomology

Longe Line Training


Wayne Loch and Melvin Bradley
Department of Animal Sciences

Sam Sabin
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Longeing is a procedure in which the horse travels in a large circle around the handler on a long strap or line.

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Responding to Farm Accidents


David E. Baker and Rusty Lee
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Most rural and farm family members are aware of potential hazards on farms. But they may not always know what actions to take if they arrive first at a farm accident scene.

Seed Production of Tall Fescue and Other Cool-Season Grasses


Howell N. Wheaton
Department of Agronomy

Unsoundness and Blemishes of Horses: Feet and Legs


Any abnormal deviation in the structure or action of a horse can render it partly or completely useless. Visit our website today to learn more.

Livestock Judging Techniques


Livestock judging consists of carefully analyzing animals against a common standard. Learn steps for success and get judging tips in this guide.

Vegetative Filters for Dairy Waste


Charles D. Fulhage and Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

A vegetative filter is a grassy area that receives rainfall runoff from an open livestock feedlot. The vegetative filter separates nutrients from the lot runoff and provides an infiltration area for the runoff water so that no discharge occurs.

Solids Removal From Livestock Manure Lagoons


Charles D. Fulhage
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Calibrating Home Garden Equipment


Dennis S. Schrock
Department of Horticulture

Setting Up a Used Antifreeze Collection Site


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Setting Up a Used Oil Collection Site


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Exploring the Categories


People who work for you can be employees or independent contractors, and you must correctly classify them to avoid IRS problems. Learn how to classify workers in this guide.

Storm Drains and Water Quality


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Fertilizer Management for No-Till Corn and Grain Sorghum in Missouri


Harry C. Minor and John Stecker
Department of Agronomy

J.R. Brown
School of Natural Resources

No-till farming will help preserve Missouri's erodible cropland. This publication should answer many of the questions facing crop producers and fertilizer suppliers regarding nutrient management in a continuous no-till production system.

Private Applicator Pesticide Training Study Guide


Editor's note
To be used in conjunction with Missouri Core Manual M87, Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual

Fred Fishel
Integrated Pest Management

Conservation Tillage and Residue Management to Reduce Soil Erosion


John R. McCarthy
Natural Resources Conservation Service

Donald L. Pfost and H. David Currence
Department of Agricultural Engineering

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Safe Storage and Handling of Grain


Storage and handling of large volumes of grain on Missouri farms is common. Increased storage capacities, larger and faster handling capacities and automation contribute to many potentially hazardous situations during the harvest and storage season. This guide sheet identifies many of them and suggests preventive measures that control or eliminate the hazardous exposure.

Nitrogen Management for No-Tillage Systems in Missouri


John A. Stecker
Department of Agronomy

Storage Tanks for Liquid Dairy Waste


Charles D. Fulhage and Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Land Grading for Irrigation: Design and Construction


Land grading is used for irrigation and subsequent drainage. Visit our site for our Land Grading for Irrigation: Design and Construction guide.

Flock Profiling for Monitoring Turkey Production


Jeffre D. Firman
Department of Animal Sciences

Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations.

Community Pleasure Trail Riding


Melvin Bradley
Department of Animal Sciences

Trail riding is fast becoming a major part of the pleasure horse industry. More and more people are spending their leisure time saddling a quiet, sensible horse and enjoying its companionship in scenic surroundings.

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