AI School
April 22, 2025 - April 24, 2025In-personCarthageMO
Are you looking to rapidly improve the genetic progress of your herd? Cattle producers interested in learning how to artificial inseminate have the opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop in Southwest Missouri.

2025 Women Landowners Ag Conference
April 25, 2025In-personWellingtonMO
The Women Landowners Ag Conference is Rooted in Ag for 2025. This year's conference will feature Kylie Epperson, whose mission is to help rural women find their own power, transform rural loneliness into deep, supportive community, and rediscover their true selves as they navigate the farm life…

Lafayette County Grazing School
May 21, 2025 - May 23, 2025In-personHigginsvilleMO
Lafayette Grazing School is hosted by the University of Missouri Extension and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to educate livestock farmers and ranchers on how to increase profitability with no negative environmental impact on the land. The focus is to enhance soil, water, and…

Native Grass Pasture Walk - Davisville
May 30, 2025In-personDavisvilleMO
Native Grass is ideally suited to the Ozark terrain and provides wonderful forage during the summer months. See how this a working cattle operation utilizes native grass to produce more forage during the summer months to lengthen the grazing season and reduce costs. Attendees will see…

Pixels of Production – Virtual Pearls – Session Two
June 24, 2025Virtual
Join us for the second virtual session learning about Stop the Bleed from Beth Koster, Coordinator of Outreach/Injury Prevention, University of Missouri. Stop the Bleed is a nationwide public awareness campaign aimed at empowering bystanders to recognize and effectively manage severe bleeding in…

Pixels of Production - Virtual Pearls - Session Three
July 22, 2025Virtual
Join us for the third virtual session learning about feeding and managing pregnant beef cows and heifers for calf success from Dr. Allison Meyer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Nutritional Physiology/Ruminant Nutrition, University of Missouri. Management and nutrition of cows and heifers…

Pixels of Production - Virtual Pearls - Session Four
September 23, 2025Virtual
Join us for the fourth virtual session learning about SRP Technology from Dr. Andrea Pitkin, DVM, MS, Technical Service Veterinarian - Swine, Vaxxinova US. Does your herd have gut issues? This session ensures diarrhea is no longer a dirty word. It is something we should talk about!…

Pixels of Production – Virtual Pearls – Session Five
October 28, 2025Virtual
Join us for the last virtual session learning about Heroes to Hives a program helping veterans and women producers establish beekeeping from Joni Harper, Natural Resources Field Specialist, University of Missouri Extension. Heroes to Hives is a unique program offered through the Michigan…

Annie’s Project - Maries County
March 17, 2025 - April 21, 2025In-personViennaMO
Annie’s Project is targeted towards farm women, but of course as an extension program is open to all. Farm women come from a variety of backgrounds and yet still have a commonality in living on the farm and desiring a profitable business. Some women marry into the farm operations with little or…
Pearls of Production
November 8, 2025In-personColumbiaMO
with the return of this option. The November 8th in-person session will begin at 9am with registration and light refreshments. Sessions will begin at 10am. Participants can choose one of three topics for each session before coming together for Stop the Bleed.