For youth

4-H has many different project types and opportunities created with YOU in mind! Each 4-H'er creates their own path forward in 4-H. YOU choose your project topics and YOU choose which events you will attend, and YOU choose what type of a leader you want to be! In Missouri 4-H, the sky is the limit! What will you reach for?


What is a 4-H project? Members have the opportunity to learn more about a subject matter that they choose to study through completing hands on activities. We refer to these as projects.

To get started, you will need to choose what projects interest you. Some things to think about:

4-H project selection process graphic - see text below

  1. Check out the 4-H projects in the Clover to see what looks fun to you.
  2. Select a topic you like and want to know more about.
  3. Consider the time and money it will take.
  4. Consider the space and equipment you have at home.
  5. Will this project be fun, serve a purpose, and be worth your effort?
  6. Select only the number of projects you can complete!
  7. Contact your local county office to see which projects are offered where you live.
  8. When you enroll in 4-H Online, add your projects.

See all projects

Please have a parent or guardian help you enroll in 4-H. We put instructions for them on the Parent Resource page.

Parent resources

Project record keeping

The 4-H Project Record (Y620) is a form designed to help you record information about your learning experience in each project. This record sheet is for you and your project leader to use to set goals, keep records of your work, expenses, community involvement, leadership and more. Ask any high school senior filling out scholarship forms how helpful 4-H record keeping is, and they will tell you how much work it saved them! Good record keeping will help you when applying for recognition and scholarships throughout your 4-H involvement.

Y620, 4-H Project Record (PDF)

Y620 Project Record Scorecard (PDF)


Missouri 4-H has a wide variety of opportunities that will interest you. Your age will determine in which events and at what level you can participate, so keep that in mind.

Missouri 4-H offers:

  • Events and Competitions at the county, regional, and state levels. Some of these competitions will allow you to go on to compete at a National level!
  • Camps—summer camps, day camps, dog camps, cow camp, Aerospace camp…we have camps!
  • Scholarship opportunities.
  • Conferences designed for youth!
  • Leadership opportunities like being a club officer, sitting on an Extension Council, or being on the State 4-H Council (which is made up entirely of youth ages 14-18).

Check out the entire list of statewide opportunities.

See all Opportunities

Club officer resources

Many of you will choose run for club officer at some point during your 4-H career! We have several resources created just for you! Most clubs, depending on their size, will have a minimum of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Larger clubs may have several secretaries or other officers as well.

Club officer resources

Recognition and awards

Recognition is available to 4-H members at all levels of involvement from project groups to our highest award, the Key Award. Recognition can occur during project meetings when a member is asked to demonstrate a skill they have mastered. It also occurs when older 4-H members compete for the chance to attend National 4-H Congress or National 4-H Conference.

Use the chart below to easily see what award or recognition you could apply for or receive. Please visit our 4-H Awards page for details about each recognition. Throughout the year, we will make you aware of deadlines through our newsletters and on social media.

4-H Awards

Recognition type Clover Kids 4-H Member
  5-7 8-10 11-13 14-18
Clover Kid Pins X      
Membership & completion cards X X X X
4-H Charter (mandatory)        
Progress toward Personal Goals
Project Record Completion (county level)   X X X
Key Award       X
Standards of Excellence   X X X
Peer Competition Awards
State Excellence Awards   Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
National 4-H Conference       X
State 4-H Council       X
4-H Foundation Community Service Grant For clubs only
Kids Helping Kids For 4-H families in need
4-H'ers Helping 4-H'ers For 4-H families in need
Through the 4-H Foundation
Century Family Multi-generational
Hall of Fame For volunteers only
Scholarships       X
Naomi Crouch 4-H Volunteer Leadership Award For volunteers only
Frank Graham 4-H Volunteer Leadership Award For volunteers only



Every year, the Missouri 4-H Foundation offers educational scholarships for 4-H youth and former 4-H members pursuing post-secondary study. More than 60 scholarships are available, each ranging from $500 to $2,500.


Clover Kids

    • "I like 4-H Clover Kids cause I get to make fun stuff. I learned that spiders aren't bugs (insects) — they got too many legs." — Clover Kid member, Bollinger County
4-H Clover kids logo Four happy kids lying on the grass.

Clover Kids is the officially recognized 4-H program in Missouri for children under age 8. The program is designed to provide 5 to 7 year-olds a variety of activities led by an adult that will help them:

  • explore many different interests,
  • build self-confidence,
  • practice communication skills,
  • get along and share with others, and
  • be a part of a group.

Clover Kids attend meetings that center around fun learning activities. Some examples include: pets, food/nutrition, science/space, puppets, music, magic, plants, arts and crafts and much more!

Yes, parents and guardians can volunteer! Whether it’s making food for a meeting, driving members to activities or becoming a Clover Kids leader, there is always room for parents and guardians to become involved. Contact your county MU Extension center for more information about the Clover Kids program. A 4-H staff member will guide you to the Clover Kids opportunities in your area.

There is a small fee to join 4-H Clover Kids. Check with your county MU Extension center for details. In addition, there might be charges for materials or special trips.