The following publications cover topics related to Missouri 4-H. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Country Curing Hams


Many people like the flavor of hams that have been cured country style. Visit our site to learn about Country Curing Hames.

Home Curing Bacon for a Mild Flavor


Reviewed by Marcia Carlson Shannon
Department of Animal Sciences

Most people eat bacon because they like it, not for its nutritional value. Country-cured bacon is usually more salty and less desirable than commercially prepared bacon. This guide will outline procedures for curing bacon to get a mild flavor.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Flowering Trees


Discover how to select flowering trees that enhance your landscape with beauty and seasonal interest, including species like the flowering dogwood.

Cracking the Code of Leadership Leader’s Guide

New $5

This curriculum provides youth the opportunity to identify traits of positive leaders, discuss different leadership styles, explore various leadership themes from history, and find a leadership style for themselves.

Building Public Speaking Skills with 4-H Clover Kids Leader’s Guide

New $5

Public speaking skills are a lifelong asset and the sooner youth start to speak in public, the more comfortable they are with the idea. This guide offers experiential learning activities to introduce public speaking at an age-appropriate level to Clover Kids through simple lessons and activities to start building their foundation for public speaking.

4-H Civic Engagement Skills Guide

New $5

Packed in this guide are activities that teach skills and knowledge every 4-Her needs for civic engagement, including Missouri specific state level activities.

Save Your Brain Leader’s Guide

New Free

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes 153 deaths every day in the United States. This guide allows leaders to provide a general overview of traumatic brain injury and delve into specific ways youth can help protect themselves from TBI.

Clover Kids Leader’s Guide

New Free

This Clover Kids Leader’s Guide offers hands on activities in a wide variety of topic areas, as well as tips for planning Clover Kids meetings and Clover Kids Policies and Procedures.

How to Plant Forest Tree Seedlings


Hank Stelzer
Forestry State Specialist
School of Natural Resources

Right Species, Right Place: Considerations Before You Order Tree Seedlings in Missouri


Discover how to select and plant tree species suited to Missouri's diverse regions, ensuring successful growth and sustainability.

Vegetable Planting Calendar


Plant a vegetable garden to save on your family food bill and promote good dietary habits. The tables in this guide help Missourians plan what to plant, when to plant and how much of each vegetable to plant.

Landscape Plantings for Energy Savings


David H. Trinklein
Horticulture State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Tree Placement on Home Grounds


Trees properly selected and placed can add more in livability and value to your home. Visit our site to learn about tree placement on home grounds.

How to Plant a Tree


Christopher J. Starbuck
Department of Horticulture

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees


Learn how to select the perfect shade trees for your Midwest yard or landscape. Don't waste years on a bad landscape!

Small Flock Series: Incubation of Poultry


Jesse J. Lyons
Department of Animal Sciences

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