The following publications cover topics related to Manure Management. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

The Missouri Phosphorus Index


The phosphorus index promotes conservation practices that reduce phosphorus loss from agricultural fields.

Calculating the Value of Manure as a Fertilizer Source


Use this worksheet to estimate the value of manure nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and gauge how much manure to apply to corn, wheat, soybeans.

Hog Manure and Domestic Wastewater Management Objectives


The objective of this publication is to identify the differences and similarities between managing municipal wastewater and managing the manure from grow-finish pig systems.

Agricultural Phosphorus and Water Quality


This guide demonstrates the complexities of reducing losses of phosphorus from agricultural land and the range of options available to help reach water quality goals.

Strategies to Minimize Phosphorus Loss From Your Farm


This guide discusses steps you can take to reduce phosphorus loss from your farm.

Optimizing Fertilizer Value of Manure from Slurry Hog Finishing Operations


See recommendations for applying manure on corn, soybeans or fescue. Learn how to maximize slurry manure’s value and assess its storage and application costs.

Managing Manure Phosphorus to Protect Water Quality


This guide defines the unique aspects of managing manure as a phosphorus fertilizer source and provides practical information about management strategies to reduce phosphorus losses from your farm.

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Managing Nitrogen to Protect Water Quality


John Lory and Steve Cromley
Division of Plant Sciences

How is nitrogen lost from the soil?

Nitrogen is primarily lost by three pathways:

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Nutrients and Water Quality for Lakes and Streams


John Lory and Steve Cromley
Division of Plant Sciences

Laboratory Analysis of Manure


Learn methods for obtaining and interpreting laboratory analyses of manure to make efficient use of fertilizer nutrients in the manure in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Swine Diet Manipulation to Minimize Environmental Impacts


Marcia Carlson
State extension swine nutrition specialist

Heather Wilt
Graduate research assistant in animal sciences

Phosphorus Best Management Practices for Biosolids and Other Organic Residuals


John A. Lory
Division of Plant Sciences
Commercial Agriculture Program

Best Management Practices for Nitrogen Fertilizer in Missouri


Successful nitrogen management delivers enough nitrogen to crops to optimize yield and profitability while minimizing losses to water and air. Learn the best management practices from sound economic, production and environmental viewpoints in this guide.

Calculating Plant-Available Nitrogen and Residual Nitrogen Value in Manure


John A. Lory
Division of Plant Sciences and the Commercial Agriculture Program

Glenn Davis
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Ron Miller and Glenn Davis
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Calculating Fertilizer Value of Supplemental Feed for Cattle on Pasture


John A. Lory
Division of Plant Sciences
Commercial Agriculture Program

K.C. Olson
Division of Animal Sciences
Commercial Agriculture Program

Chris Zumbrunnen
Livestock Specialist

Soil Sampling Hayfields and Row Crops


Collecting a representative soil sample is an important step in developing a nutrient plan for your farm. Make smarter management decisions and more efficient use of fertilizer nutrients by learning how to plan and take soil samples from your fields in th

Setback Distances for Land Application of Manure


Steve Cromley and John Lory
Division of Plant Sciences

Soil Sampling Pastures


John Lory and Steve Cromley
Division of Plant Sciences and Commercial Agriculture Program

Collecting a representative soil sample is an important step in developing a nutrient plan for your farm. The goals of your soil sampling plan should be to

Managing Manure on Alfalfa Hay


John A. Lory
Department of Agronomy and Commercial Agriculture Program

Robert Kallenbach and Craig Roberts
Department of Agronomy

Alfalfa is a high-quality, high-yielding, cool-season forage that can be profitably marketed as hay. Alfalfa is a desirable crop for manure applications because:

Preplant Nitrogen Test for Adjusting Corn Nitrogen Recommendations


John A. Lory
Department of Agronomy and Commercial Agriculture Program

Peter Scharf
Department of Agronomy

Sampling Poultry Litter for Nutrient Testing


John A. Lory
Department of Agronomy and Commercial Agriculture Program

Charles Fulhage
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Interpreting Missouri Soil Test Reports


John A. Lory
Plant Science Unit and Commercial Agriculture Program

Peter Scharf and Manjula V. Nathan
Plant Science Unit

Displaying 1 - 22 of 22