Plan for drought by choosing the right forage plan

TUSCUMBIA, Mo. – Now is the time for forage growers to plan for drought, says Rudra Baral, University of Missouri Extension field specialist in agronomy.

Use sacrifice pastures now to spare best pastures for later

STOCKTON, Mo. – “Cattle producers welcome the rain, but it leads to muddy pastures and proper management is needed for optimum grazing the rest of the year,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. Davis feels sacrifice pastures may be needed to help in promoting forage production for the rest of the grazing season.

Add magnesium to prevent grass tetany in cattle

STOCKTON, Mo. – “As spring and lush grass growth arrives cattle producers need to plan for prevention of grass tetany,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. Grass tetany arises from a cattle mineral imbalance, so Davis suggests cattle producers use management strategies discussed below to reduce the incidence in their cattle operations.

Understanding grass tetany in beef cows

COLUMBIA, Mo. – If you’ve ever seen a cow suddenly collapse in early spring, seemingly out of nowhere, you might have witnessed a case of grass tetany, says University of Missouri Extension state beef nutritionist Eric Bailey.

Timing, flexibility key to grazing tall fescue spring flush

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Proper management of the spring flush of tall fescue gives pastures and cattle a head start for the rest of the grazing season, says University of Missouri Extension state forage specialist Harley Naumann.

Avoid financial heartbreak after drought

POTOSI, Mo. – Missouri is coming off consecutive years of severe droughts and depleted cool-season pastures. As drought lingers, so do old practices that worsen its impact, says Rachel Hopkins, University of Missouri Extension agricultural business specialist. She likens it to an oft-quoted definition of insanity – “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” – to the mindset of some long-term fescue growers.

The skinny on what your hay bales really weigh

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Ask five farmers how much their hay bales weigh, and you’ll probably get five different answers — none of which are backed up by a scale ticket. “That’s because most folks think they know their bale weights, but more often than not, they’re guessing,” says University of Missouri Extension state forage specialist and associate dean Rob Kallenbach. “And when you’re buying hay by the bale instead of by the ton, those…

Frost-seeding legumes pays big dividends

HERMITAGE, Mo. – Frost-seeding legumes now can pay big dividends later, says University of Missouri Extension field specialist in agronomy Terry Halleran. Frost-seeding is a low-cost method of broadcasting legumes over frozen ground into an existing pasture. Legumes offer many benefits but require proper management, says Halleran.

Frost seeding legumes improves pastures several ways

LINNEUS, Mo. – Adding diversity to a pasture can make it more productive than growing tall fescue alone. Diversity can also aid in reducing or diluting the effects of fescue toxicity, improve nutritive value of forage, increase weight gain and enhance soil health, says University of Missouri Extension state forage specialist Carson Roberts.

Three steps to prepare for winter feeding of livestock

SALEM, Mo. – Now is a good time to review winter feeding plans, according to University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Eric Meusch. “Forage growth has come to an end, so making sure producers have what they need to feed their livestock though the winter is important,” Meusch said. “These three basic steps and a sharp pencil can help them determine if they are ready for winter.” 1. Determine animal needs

Forage, cattle producers embrace change in move from Colorado to Missouri

NEW BOSTON, Mo. – Tad and Kim Carnahan knew where one of their first stops would be after their move from Colorado to Missouri. The lifelong learners turned to University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Zac Erwin and agronomy specialist Valerie Tate for help in setting up their new Missouri cattle and forage operation. The local extension center became their one-stop shop for learning. “We try to absorb everything,” Tad…

Buying corn silage to feed beef cows in winter

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Moisture and fall forage growth have been disappointing in 2024. The bumper crop of corn this year has prompted many cattle farmers to consider feeding their cows corn silage. “We had an outstanding growing season, and hay supplies are plentiful,” said University of Missouri Extension state beef nutritionist Eric Bailey. “But I have received numerous inquiries from cattlemen interested in using corn silage as a winter…

MU Extension releases enterprise budgets for 2025

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension has released its latest crop and livestock enterprise budgets tailored to help Missouri farmers and ranchers plan for a productive 2025. MU Extension specialists have updated 38 budgets for farmers working with row crops, beef, swine, dairy, sheep, goats, forages and more. Region-specific budgets have also been developed for southeastern Missouri crops like cotton, peanuts and rice.

Applying nitrogen to forages now is high risk, low reward

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The best time to apply nitrogen fertilizer to promote fall forage growth has passed, says University of Missouri Extension state nutrient management specialist John Lory. Applying now does not promote growth and may increase the risk of forages accumulating nitrate.

Nitrogen fertilizer boosts fescue yields but increases toxin

COLUMBIA, Mo. – It is difficult to make blanket recommendations on fall nitrogen fertilizer rates to pastures because of the variability in how forages are managed in the Fescue Belt, says University of Missouri Extension state nutrient management specialist John Lory. But fescue pastures need a source of nitrogen to thrive, he says.

Stockpile tall fescue to save on labor, cost and time

MONTGOMERY CITY, Mo. – Start stockpiling tall fescue in mid-August for healthier, more profitable cattle, says University of Missouri Extension field specialist in agronomy Rusty Lee. Stockpiling fescue extends the grazing season and reduces the need to feed hay. “Winter feed costs are the cattle producer’s biggest single expense,” says Lee. The best way to reduce that expense is to let cattle graze longer and feed hay for a shorter…

Is rained-on hay still good?

NEVADA, Mo. – Rain is always a wild card when deciding the right time to mow hay. “Pop-up showers and storms are a risk this time of the year,” says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Hunter Lovewell. This unpredictability makes it important to keep an eye on weather forecasts and understand how rainfall affects forage that is drying down but not yet baled, he says.

July 23 farm tour to showcase warm-season grasses

MOUNT VERNON, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will hold a free farm tour on July 23 to highlight two successful Lawrence County farm operations that use native warm-season grasses in their forage programs.

Post-drought pasture improvement takes more than rain

LINNEUS, Mo.– Heavy rainfall throughout much of Missouri on July 2 may have lessened worries about drought damage in pastures, but one good rain won’t undo the damage to mismanaged pastures during two straight years of drought, according to two University of Missouri Extension specialists based at the MU Forage Systems Research Center in Linneus.

Filling the summer forage gap

LINNEUS, Mo. – Gaps in summer forages for livestock producers can be challenging. University of Missouri Extension agronomy field specialist Valerie Tate in Linn County shares management solutions, including planting warm-season annual forages such as pearl millet and sorghum-sudangrass, to fill a void in summer forage production or when renovating forage stands.

Sunn hemp can boost summer pastures

Frequent droughts in Missouri have livestock producers discussing more adaptable summer pasture options. “With tall fescue as the dominant Missouri forage, there are few options to enhance those fescue fields to graze through a long, hot, dry spell,” said Tim Schnakenberg, University of Missouri Extension agronomy field specialist.

Kentucky bluegrass: Too much of a good thing?

Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a good, productive grass to include in forage mixtures in the Ozarks region, but having too much of this grass can limit production. Monitoring the amount of Kentucky bluegrass in the forage stand can be helpful to producers. This perennial cool-season grass is identified by the narrow, V-shaped leaf blades. The leaf tips are said to be boat- or canoe-shaped. The leaves are typically 1 to 7 inches…

Use summer annual forages to build your grazing forage base

STOCKTON, Mo. – “Summer annuals are a good way to add diversity and build pasture stands for the upcoming grazing season,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. Summer annuals are a tool to improve thin pastures stands, help begin the renovations process and add forage diversity to improve cattle productivity. Davis will discuss some summer annuals that can help improve cattle grazing pastures…

MU Extension recruiting farmers for grassland improvement project

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension is recruiting farmers for a project aimed at improving the productivity of forage-based operations in areas dominated by tall fescue grass.

Saving the herd with milo grazing

GREEN RIDGE, Mo. – Missouri cattle producer John Chamberlin didn’t want to sell his cows when drought lingered and hay supplies and forages dwindled last year. With more than 600 head of Angus cows, Chamberlin looked to the internet for ideas. A University of Missouri Extension video on the benefits of grazing standing milo intrigued him.