The following publications cover topics related to Forage-Livestock Group. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Soil Testing and Fertilizer Management Strategies for Warm-Season Forage in Missouri
To ensure optimal growth and nutritive value, testing soil and applying the right fertilizers based on soil test reports at the right time are essential.
Maximizing Summer Grazing: A Guide to Warm-Season Forage Management in Missouri
Warm-season grasses provide high-quality forage during the hot summer months. This guide offers key tips for Missouri livestock producers on managing warm-season grasses effectively.
Strip-Grazing Milo as a Low-Cost Winter Forage
Explore an affordable solution for winter cattle feed by strip-grazing standing milo. This guide discusses milo production, nutritional value and the details of managing cattle while using this low-cost feed.
Pasture Fence Construction Budget
There are many different methods and materials used to construct farm fencing. Each method varies widely in cost and ease of construction. This guide focuses on some common types of fences constructed across the midwestern United States.
Weed and Brush Control for Forages, Pastures and Noncropland
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Annual broadleaf and grass weeds can become a serious problem in pastures and forages. Learn about forage crop, soil and weed problems in Missouri. See color photos of weeds at different stages and select herbicides with the help of tables in this manual.