The purpose of the MU Forage-Livestock Group is scientific discovery and application in the area of forage-livestock systems. The primary focus areas include cow-calf production, pasture-based dairying and animal health. Other areas include precision agriculture and wildlife habitat. The goal is to increase the value of Missouri's livestock industry while protecting the state's natural resources.

The MU Forage-Livestock Group holds informal meetings to review new data, host international speakers, train graduate students, develop extension programs, create multi-disciplinary curricula, and explore funding opportunities.

Education in Forage-Livestock Systems
The group promotes cross-disciplinary education in forage and livestock systems by offering several courses in Plant and Animal Sciences to undergraduate and graduate students. Courses offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in the classroom, the field, and the laboratory. The group works to address the livestock-forage interface in the classroom to better prepare students for a career in agriculture or graduate study in their chosen field.

Research and Extension
Faculty expertise in the Forage-Livestock Group comes from six different divisions, colleges and schools.
- Natural resources
- Agricultural systems technology
- Agribusiness management
- Vet medicine
- Plant sciences
- Animal sciences
Forage-livestock research is carried out in the following four Extension and Education Centers:

Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center

Hundley-Whaley Extension and Education Center

Jefferson Farm Extension and Education Center