Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center
Located near Rock Port at the toe slope of the loess hills, this Center’s mission is to provide research and teaching in the specific soil and climatic conditions of extreme northwest Missouri. This occurs through research and demonstrations of conservation tillage and soil conservation management practices, turf and forage, and crop production practices. Soil conservation and water quality issues also are addressed.
The Graves-Chapple Research Center is a research and demonstration site located in southwest Atchison County. Graves-Chapple East is located on the east side of I-29 at the foot of the bluffs. Graves-Chapple West is on the west side of I-29 adjacent to State Hwy 111.
Mailing address:
201 East Us Hwy 136
Rock Port, MO 64482
Physical location:
29955 Outer Road
Fairfax, MO 64446
The site was established in 1988 as a collaborative effort between Atchison County Extension, Holt County Extension, University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agriculture Program, the University of Missouri’s Agricultural Experiment Station, local agribusinesses and local producers. Primary funding is provided by University of Missouri Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Station.
Projects at this site are devoted to various agronomic practices, with a major emphasis on the production of corn and soybeans. Work with forages, other row crops and alternative crops is also conducted. This site is somewhat unique in the state due to the soil types and the predominance of no-till planting techniques. Soil conservation and water quality issues are also addressed. The farm strives to perfect practices that will maintain or increase the profitability for area crop producers.

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