Weather station upgrades will help plan for flood, drought

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension’s network of weather stations will soon be updated to provide long-term soil moisture information to help forecast, monitor and respond to flood and drought. MU Extension state natural resources specialist Michael Sunde and state climatologist Zack Leasor will work alongside John Travlos, co-director of the Missouri Mesonet, to add new soil moisture sensors to many of the network’s 45…

Federal disaster assistance available in southern Missouri

Households and businesses in southern Missouri affected by severe weather and flooding May 19-27 can apply for federal assistance, says Conne Burnham, University of Missouri Extension emergency management coordinator. On July 23, President Joe Biden approved a Major Disaster Declaration Request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson to help with costs associated with severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes and flooding in May 2024.

Flood-related resources from MU Extension

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Rain, heat increase risk of ponding

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Predicted temperatures in the low 90s the week of May 8 combined with intense or recurrent rainfall could result in damage to corn and soybean crops from ponding, saturated soils and flooding, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold. Survival of submerged corn and soybean seedlings depends on seed quality, flood duration, water temperatures, how fast fields dry and location of the growing point in…

Mother Nature's drenchings damage crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Mother Nature has not been kind to Missouri agriculture in 2021, says University of Missouri Extension soybean specialist Bill Wiebold.Spring rains delayed corn and soybean planting well beyond the best date for yield, says Wiebold. Then the rain stopped and hot, dry weather slowed growth. Frequent heavy rains added to the misery in Missouri fields.

Food safety after flooding

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Floods can devastate property and have lasting effects on a community. In the aftermath, people might not think about the consequences flooding can have on food.  Floodwater often contains sewage or animal waste that could contaminate foods with harmful organisms, said Londa Nwadike, food safety specialist for University of Missouri Extension and Kansas State Research and Extension.

After the deluge

ROCK PORT, Mo. – Historic flooding along the Missouri River in 2019 has left many still repairing damage this fall.Cold, snowy weather in early 2019 set the stage for significant flooding in northwestern Missouri as spring approached, said University of Missouri Extension state climatologist Pat Guinan.

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service and communities receive Missouri PTAC assistance

Every few years, Missouri gets enough rain to cause extensive flooding from the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. In the spring of 2019, precipitation caused flooding to easily pass federal flooding thresholds, and large amounts of damage to occur. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA)- Natural Resources Conservation Service has a program available to fix eligible damages to property.

Extension specialist offers tips to repair flood-damaged fields

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Lessons from past floods tell how to bring flooded fields back into production, says Kent Shannon, University of Missouri agricultural engineering specialist. Shannon says there are three stages to repairing flood-damaged fields. 1. Remove debris and sediment Burn plant material such as cornstalks and trees on the land where they were found. Bury ashes there also.

Missouri planting progress data as of June 23, 2019

The rain returned to Missouri this past week, leaving only 2.1 days suitable for fieldwork. Soybean plantings progressed by 9 percentage points, but progress was minimal in corn, rice and cotton.

Proper disposal of flood-damaged grain

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First steps home after a flood

As floodwaters recede and you’re allowed back into your home or business to assess the damage, take lots of pictures of the building and its contents to document damages for insurance claims.

Inspect buildings and look for fire hazards

Once an area has been cleared for you to return, stay out of any buildings where floodwaters remain. Avoid using candles or open flames. Instead, use battery-powered lanterns or flashlights to reduce fire hazards.

Removing water from flooded basements

Before you enter a flooded basement, take the following steps:Turn off electricity and gas. Check outside basement walls for possible cave-ins, evidence of structural damage or other hazards. Open doors and windows.

Flooding in the vegetable garden

If they have been touched by floodwaters, discard leafy vegetables, fleshy fruits or vegetables (like tomatoes, berries and summer squash), root crops, corn, grains and even produce with a hard, protective skin. Record all losses.

Saving food after a power outage

Those of us in the Midwest know that spring storms can bring power outages. When freezers and refrigerators are off for several hours, whether it’s due to a storm or an accident, the food safety rules about what to keep or toss are the same.

Keep your food safe during a power outage

When the electricity goes off, one important thing to know is how to save as much food as possible.

How to handle food after a flood

Floodwater can be toxic, so precautions need to be taken to prevent illness. There are special ways of handling cooking utensils like pots and pans as well as food that have been exposed to floodwater.

Make the most from late-planted soybean

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Poor corn stands and crop insurance provisions

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What about nitrogen for a corn crop? Still there?

download this article It’s been wet over the whole state of Missouri. Since October, really, but especially in May.

Prevented planting provisions on corn acres

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