This course addresses all responsibilities appropriate to a Planning Section Chief operating in a local- or state-level All-Hazards Incident Management Team. These responsibilities fall into two categories: 1) managing the planning cycle and 2) tracking resources and incident status. The course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple table top exercises. Topics include: functions and responsibilities of the Planning Section Chief; functions and responsibilities of the Resources Unit Leader; functions and responsibilities of the Situation Unit Leader; functions and responsibilities of the Documentation Unit Leader; functions and responsibilities of the Demobilization Unit Leader; understanding the planning cycle elements; interacting with team members in the planning process; and the purpose and importance of an accurate Incident Action Plan.
- IS-700
- IS-800
- I-100
- I-200
- ICS 300 or equivalent
- All Hazard Incident Management Team Training or Command and General Staff Functions for Local Incident Management Teams preferred.
Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)
- 32 hours Technical