• classroom teaching

This course addresses the roles and responsibilities of an Incident Management Team (IMT) and provides the opportunity for participants to refresh their knowledge and skills learned from the Type 3 All Hazards IMT Training class. The format for this class contains lecture, discussion, demonstration and active participation in a variety of exercises. Addition focus will be on assumption of command, transitioning with initial responders or an existing IMT, ancillary plans such as demobilization plan, and incident with-in an incident plan. Participants will be divided into teams representing the Command and General Staff positions of an IMT. Acting as an IMT these teams will participate in a functional exercise representing an expanding Type 3 Incident. After receiving a briefing of current incident conditions the team’s responsibilities will include assuming responsibility for the management of the current operation while following the Planning Process to develop an Incident Action Plan for the next Operational Period.The instructor cadre will provide guidance in the process, as well as input on the team and individual participant’s performance. In conclusion, instructors and students will share Lessons-Learned from recent incidents and personal experience.


Training details
  • Hours: 24
  • Prerequisites
  • Students: 20–30
  • Host requirements: None
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