The following publications might be of particular interest to people in Webster County. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Energy Efficiency and Farm Water Systems


Farm water systems are often neglected when it comes to energy efficiency. Although the savings to be realized may not be as great as perhaps energy-efficient lighting, the return can be fairly short for some energy-saving investments. This guide presents some general guidelines regarding farm water systems.

Turfgrass Insects


Only a small number of insects may, at some time, become a potential problem in turfgrass. Turfgrass insects can be somewhat cyclical and very dependent on a number of factors. Weather, suitable food sources, desirable habitat and predators all play a part in the population size of particular insect species.

Common Diseases in the Home Garden


Patricia Wallace
Extension Associate, Division of Plant Sciences
Director, MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic

Roses: Care After Planting


Planting roses? Learn how to mulch, water, prune, and care for your roses. Includes a pest guide.

Raised-Bed Gardening


Raised-bed gardens have several advantages, including higher yields and a longer growing season. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees and shrubs can all be grown in raised beds. Learn about types of raised beds and how to build and maintain them in this gui

Selecting Landscape Plants: Broad-leaved Evergreens


Broad-leaved evergreens are highly prized landscape plants, but many require special attention to develop into attractive, long-lived plants. Learn how to select and care for plants that will thrive in your area with the help of this MU Extension guide.

Fruit Spray Schedules for the Homeowner


Most home fruit plants require pesticide treatments to control serious diseases and insect pests. Learn what pesticides are needed and the frequency of application of sprays for many fruits in this guide.

Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel


Reviewed by David H. Trinklein
Division of Plant Sciences

Managing Ponds and Lakes for Aquaculture and Fisheries in Missouri: Pond Construction and Management Considerations


A private pond can be a great asset on a property. Learn how to properly plan, construct and manage a watershed pond for recreation, as a livestock water source, and more in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Dairy Grazing: Fence and Water Systems


This publication describes various fence and water systems appropriate for dairy grazing management.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm


Even a mere threat to the food and agriculture sector could cause havoc within the food supply chain and have far-reaching consequences on the economy, human health and consumer confidence.

Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.

Practical Horse Psychology


Melvin Bradley
Department of Animal Sciences

Vegetable Gardening

New $10

Vegetable gardening is a rewarding activity that can provide fresh, flavorful produce. It also offers the benefits of exercise, fresh air and landscape beautification. Learn to grow your own vegetables so you can eat fresh and save on groceries.



Christopher J. Starbuck
Department of Horticulture

Mulches provide many benefits to plants. Benefits vary with the material used, the type of soil, the kind of plant and the cultural practices used. Mulches also may be used to make landscapes more attractive and usable and to reduce the amount of maintenance work (Figures 1a to 1c).

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees


Learn how to select the perfect shade trees for your midwest yard or landscape. Don't waste years on a bad landscape!

Pumps and Watering Systems for Managed Beef Grazing


Watering a herd year round can be difficult and costly. Visit our site to learn about Pumps and Watering Systems for Managed Beef Grazing.

Irrigating Trees and Shrubs During Summer Drought


Christopher J. Starbuck
Division of Plant Sciences

Soil Sampling Hayfields and Row Crops


Collecting a representative soil sample is an important step in developing a nutrient plan for your farm. Make smarter management decisions and more efficient use of fertilizer nutrients by learning how to plan and take soil samples from your fields in th

Steps in Fertilizing Garden Soil: Vegetables and Annual Flowers


Learn how to ensure your garden soil has the nutrients plants need. Start with a soil test, fertilize according to the report, and follow the other steps outlined in this guide to enhance your soil’s fertility.

Soil Sampling Pastures


John Lory and Steve Cromley
Division of Plant Sciences and Commercial Agriculture Program

Collecting a representative soil sample is an important step in developing a nutrient plan for your farm. The goals of your soil sampling plan should be to

Pruning and Care of Shade Trees


Most established shade trees do not need to be pruned regularly. But yearly pruning during the first few years after planting can help a tree become established and develop a strong, attractive structure. Learn when and how to prune and problems you might

High Tunnel Tomato Production


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Needled Evergreens


Needled evergreens are planted primarily because of their evergreen foliage. Visit our site for our Selecting Landscape Plants: Needled Evergreens resource.

Feeding Horses


Wayne Loch
Department of Animal Sciences

In balancing rations for horses, the goals are to furnish horses with a daily supply of nutrients in the correct amounts to prevent digestive upsets and to use feedstuffs that are palatable, easily obtained and economical.