Master Gardeners
The St. Charles County Master Gardeners are trained individuals who enjoy learning and sharing their expertise with others. Our gardening backgrounds range from hobbyist to professional, from beginner to experienced, from young adult to senior citizen. The common bond is a love of gardening, learning and sharing.
After training, Master Gardeners serve as a resource with University of Missouri Extension to give county residents research-based answers to their gardening questions. The primary purpose of a Master Gardener is to volunteer, but members rate camaraderie and learning opportunities as important reasons for participating.
Community service
Demonstration gardens
A place for residents to learn about plants that do well in St. Charles County, as well as to see gardening techniques and methods.
Garden classes
Timely topics to help you achieve the results you want for your lawn and/or garden are offered at various events throughout the year. Classes are taught by Master Gardeners. Call 636-970-3000 to receive advance notice of garden class events.
Plant sales
Each year members host plant sales on site at the extension center. The activities and demonstrations vary each year but always offer the opportunity to learn. Plants are reasonably priced and include bedding plants, bulbs, natives and other seasonal plants. Cool-season vegetable starts are sometimes sold in spring and/or fall depending on available volunteers. Get advance notice of the sale dates and other educational offerings from the Master Gardeners by adding your name to our email distribution – Call 636-970-3000.
Horticulture Answer Line
The St Charles County Master Gardener Hortline is a 24/7 resource to get your home landscaping and gardening questions answered by Master Gardener volunteers. We can also help with referrals on Master Gardener activities. When the Extension is open Master Gardeners are present in the office from mid March through mid October. During the off season months, or when the office is not open, help is available by calling and leaving a voicemail message at 636-875-7457 or emailing You can expect a reply in 24 hours for any request – the Master Gardeners are happy to help you.
Become a Master Gardener
The Extension Master Gardener program is a volunteer program of the University of Missouri Extension that requires training. Core training is the first step to become a Master Gardener. In addition to completing the Core Training, there is a commitment to volunteer 20 hours in the demonstration gardens, which are on-site at the extension center, and 10 hours on other projects.
You can begin volunteering after Class 1 of the training, which is an orientation. When you complete your 30-hour volunteer commitment, you will be recognized as a Master Gardener with a certificate and Master Gardener name badge. You have one year from the completion of training to complete your initial volunteer commitment. In each subsequent year, you must give 20 volunteer hours and six continuing education hours to maintain your status as a Master Gardener. A variety of opportunities is offered to complete the requirements each year.
Core Training occurs annually and meets weekly for 16 weeks. It is important for you to attend all of the classes. The training and volunteer requirement is a substantial time commitment, both in and out of class. Please be sure this volunteer activity fits your schedule. If in doubt, you can always apply in future years.

Get in-depth horticultural training and join the Master Gardeners in “helping others learn to grow.”

Missouri Master Gardeners, use this online system to report your volunteer hours.

Put your plans, thoughts and results on paper to help ensure successful gardening.