4-H County Council

The Clay County 4-H Council meets every other month at the county extension office. Meeting dates are the first Tuesdays in October, December, February, April, June, and August. Each club has the opportunity to have two voting members and two voting adults representing their club at each meeting. It is recommended that each club choose members and adults to represent their club for a full 4-H year for consistency. These club representatives should make a council report at the next club meeting following the council meeting.

Clay Constitution and ByLaws

About the council

4-H alumni repeatedly identify the most important thing learned through the 4-H Club experience is leadership skills. Through experiences and trainings that teach youth how to run a meeting, deal with conflict, understand the public poli-cy process, understand other cultures, work collaboratively with people of various leadership styles and personalities and more. 4-H youth begin developing leadership skills by serving on committees and offices in the local community club, county 4-H council and state 4-H council.

Officers take the lead in planning and carrying out club activities and in helping to make sure all members have a chance to contribute. See the "So You’re an Officer Series".

Officer candidates should be members in good standing and be familiar with the 4-H program, club, county, regional and state events and opportunities & their officer roles. Appointed offices for your club could include, but not limited to photographer, recreations/game leader, historian, and health and safety leader. Specific club officer requirements and responsibilities are outlined in the club’s constitution and by-laws. Club officers and leaders can use the Standards for Club Seals (pg. 5 Secretary’s book) to set goals for the club.

Council offices


  • Collaborate with club leaders & officers to prepare an agenda.
  • Conduct meetings using parliamentary procedure.
  • Guide meetings in a courteous, tactful way.

Vice President

Serve as Awards Coordinator  for the club. Be familiar with award and scholarship applications. Encourage members to participate in the awards program. Fill out and submit by September 1st: 


Members’ attendance and completion pins, club seals, and leader recognition all depend on the Club Secretary Book

  • Submit secretary book with end of year report to office, by September 1st.
  • The current year secretary book, if up-to-date, should be exhibited at county fair.

Youth Treasurer/Adult Treasurer

See the Club Treasurer Book.

  • Use Club Federal Identification number on checking account and update signature card at bank.


Send a small report and picture to your county staff at least 4 times a year to be shared in the county newsletter. Description of what your club did, list of who participated, & a quote from a participant.  


Keep a record of your club’s accomplishments and activities for the year. Your records should be meaningful to members and future members. This is traditionally captured in a club or council scrapbook. 

County Council Representative or Officer

Each 4-H club elects two youth and two adult voting representatives to the County 4-H Council for each 4-H year. They represent the interests of the club and determine county 4-H programs and activities. The County 4-H Council sets the new year’s meeting schedule at the September meeting. Meeting schedule is outlined in the council by-laws. The meeting is open to all 4-H members and adults with decision-making reserved for voting delegates.