MU Extension holds short-term operating plan workshops

WARSAW, Mo. – If key decision-makers on a farm are unable to make decisions for a short time (two weeks to six months), how well would their farm operations continue? Starting March 27, University of Missouri Extension will host “On My Own: Planning for the Unplanned” workshops on short-term operating plans to help landowners and farm operators make sound decisions when preparing for the unexpected.

Applications open for Missouri Century Farms

COLUMBIA, Mo. – If your farm has been in your family since Dec. 31, 1925, you can apply to have it recognized as a Missouri Century Farm. University of Missouri Extension, the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, and Missouri Farm Bureau sponsor the program. The application deadline to be recognized as a 2025 Missouri Century Farm is May 1.

A Century of Growth: Celebrating Missouri 4-H families

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Missouri 4-H Foundation proudly celebrates seven families as recipients of the 2024 Missouri 4-H Century Family Award. This award recognizes families who have collectively dedicated 100 years or more of membership and volunteer service to the Missouri 4-H program, showcasing their profound impact on youth development and community enrichment. 2024 Century Family Award recipients: Cass County • The Caldwell Family

Strong bull sale in Springfield

STOCKTON, Mo. – “There was a strong showing at the 104th Southwest Missouri All Breeds Performance Test Bull Sale on Oct. 28 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center in Springfield,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. Thirty-two bulls sold for an average price of $4,263 per bull. By breed, the 30 Angus bulls sold for an average of $4,303 per bull, one Hereford bull sold for $3,700 and…

Results from fall SW Mo. Bull Breeding Soundness Exam Days

STOCKTON, Mo. – “It is important for reproductive performance and profitability of the cattle operation to identify bulls that are not sound breeders and replace them prior to the breeding season,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. This is the goal of the Southwest Missouri Fall Bull Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE) Days, which also educate cattle producers on bull management for a successful…

SW Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer sale results

STOCKTON, Mo. – Strong sale with record prices were seen at the Southwest Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer sale at Joplin Regional Stockyards on Nov. 15, says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. This sale had eight consignors sell 112 heifers for an average price of $3,205 per heifer. Compared to the fall 2023 sale, the sale average was $299 higher per heifer and 27 more heifers were…

Youths demonstrate speaking, presentation, artistic skills at 4-H equine event

SEDALIA, Mo. – The Missouri 4-H Horse Public Speaking and Demonstration and Youth Equine Fine Arts and Poster contests took place Wednesday, July 24, in Sedalia. Youths demonstrated their speaking, presentation and artistic abilities while sharing their equine knowledge, said Maria Calvert, University of Missouri Extension state 4-H agriculture educator.

Heatstroke can kill quickly in hot cars

COLUMBIA, Mo. – When the news has another tragic story about a child accidentally left in a hot car, parents might believe they could never make a mistake like that. “It’s not just negligent parents or indifferent caregivers. When juggling the demands of work, parenting and daily life, it’s easier than you might think to make a simple but fatal mistake,” says Karen Funkenbusch, University of Missouri Extension health and safety…

Severe-weather resources from MU Extension

News releases, videos, publications and more.  Publications In-depth information is available from these MU Extension publications, which are available for free download. (To access publications, use the links below or go and search by publication number.)

MU Master Gardeners 'Dreams' team grows love of gardening, education

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City and Master Naturalists use gardening to teach students to grow healthy food and dream big. The Extension Master Gardener group, called Urban Green Dreams, works with Kansas City youths using Eating From the Garden, a research-based MU Extension program for fourth and fifth grade students.

Missouri 4-H dairy judging team finishes 2nd

The Missouri 4-H dairy judging team finished second overall at the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest, held in October at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin.Competing in a field of 20, the team had its best finish in more than 100 years and qualified for international competition, said University of Missouri Extension 4-H youth development specialist Karla Deaver, who coaches the team with retired MU Extension dairy…

Missouri 4-H dairy judging team competes at All-American

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Missouri 4-H had a strong outing at the 2023 All-American Invitational Youth Dairy Cattle Judging Contest, Sept. 17 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The team finished seventh overall in the 13-team field, said Karla Deaver, University of Missouri Extension 4-H youth development specialist.

Our Community, Our Health: learning from local voices

BENTON, Mo. – Maude Harris really wants to know what people in Scott County think about the COVID-19 vaccine and other community health measures.

Now is time for 911 emergency forages

This is part of an MU Extension series to help row crop and livestock producers manage drought. BOONVILLE, Mo. – Forage producers searching for options amid sustained drought should consider emergency forages, says Todd Lorenz, University of Missouri Extension agronomy specialist. The drought is not going away and producers need to find a way to fill feed gaps, he says. Three years of back-to-back drought leave producers searching…

Early weaning calves to reduce nutrient needs during drought

STOCKTON, Mo. – “Early wean calves to reduce cow herd nutrient needs to match drought-limited feed resources,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. In addition, early weaning can improve calf performance because calves are put on a more nutritious diet following weaning.Davis discusses strategies to help cattle producers be successful in early weaning calves:

Missouri SBDC continues to “Elevate” second-stage businesses

This spring, five Missouri small businesses began the journey to grow beyond the second stage. Through the Missouri Small Business Development Center’s (SBDC’s) Elevate program, these five business owners, at no cost to them, are gaining knowledge from various experts that most small-business owners rarely have access to.

Flood-related resources from MU Extension

News releases, publications and more.  News releases

Missouri Digital Ambassadors will help communities connect

Research shows that broadband access can boost a community’s economy and quality of life, but only if people take advantage of that access. A volunteer cadre of Missouri Digital Ambassadors will work with people in their communities to help them realize the benefits of broadband.

Missouri youths test skills at State 4-H Horse Judging Contest

FULTON, Mo. – The University of Missouri Extension State 4-H Horse Judging Contest, held March 18, drew 105 competitors, said Maria Calvert, Missouri 4-H state agriculture educator. This year’s event was hosted at William Woods University in Fulton. After the contest, youths and coaches toured the facilities and learned more about the equine program from faculty and students.

Missouri SBDC elevates business, impacts economic development

Over the past two years, a group of 22 second-stage Missouri small businesses increased sales by $10.7 million, made capital investments of $8.2 million, and added 74 jobs. These businesses were beneficiaries of research and advice from leading experts in a customized consulting program called Elevate. Targeted at second-stage businesses, Elevate is sponsored by the Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in partnership with…

Master Showman Competitions: Displaying Youths’ Hard Work

The Issue 4-H and FFA Livestock projects impact youth life skill development in motivation, responsibility, goal setting, discipline, and leadership (Anderson et al., 2015; Boleman et al., 2004; Evans, et al. 2019; Heavner et al., 2011; Rusk et al, 2003). Knowledge of husbandry and showing procedures increased the longer youth participate in the projects (Havner et al., 2011; Rusk et al., 2003).

Drought requires feed efficiency in cattle

WEST PLAINS, Mo. – Low supplies of hay make feeding cattle a challenge. Elizabeth Picking, a University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist in southwestern Missouri, sees the effects of severe drought in her area – dwindling hay supplies, poor-quality hay, high prices and ponds going dry.

MU Extension guide, spreadsheet help estimate farmland values

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Buyers and sellers who need an estimate of the value of a piece of farmland may not always find it feasible to get an appraisal, particularly one that reflects the land’s historical value needed to calculate taxes and settle estates.

10 Missouri small businesses prepare to “Elevate” beyond the second stage

Ten second-stage Missouri small businesses are learning from experts and each other how to move to the next level. Selected from across the state and representing the advertising, construction, health care, manufacturing, and retail trade industries, the following businesses are participating in the 2022 Elevate program supported and led by the Missouri Small Business Development Centers (SBDC).

4-H youths test skills at 2022 State 4-H Horse Judging Contest

FULTON, Mo. – The University of Missouri Extension State 4-H Horse Judging Contest, April 9, drew 70 4-H members to compete at William Woods University in Fulton. The 4-H delegation was greeted by newly appointed William Woods University President Jeremy Moreland. After the contest, youths and coaches toured the facilities and learned more about the university’s equine program from faculty and students.

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