Cover art for publication GH1456

How to Can Fresh Tomato Products


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

Cover art for publication GH1490

How to Can Meat, Fish and Poultry


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

Cover art for publication GH1501

Freezing Basics


Freezing is one of the easiest and quickest methods of food preservation. Most foods retain their natural color, flavor and texture better when frozen than when other methods of food preservation are used. Learn the basics in this MU Extension guide.

Cover art for publication GH1504

How to Freeze Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs and Dairy Products


Freezing is an excellent method of preserving animal products. Follow these basic guidelines for simple, effective and safe freezing of meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Publication cover.

Introduction to Food Dehydration

Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of food preservation, though methods for drying food have become sophisticated over time. Learn the benefits and methods of dehydrating foods and how to select an electric dehydrator.

Cover art for publication GH1454

How to Can Fresh Vegetables


Learn to safely can fresh vegetables in this research-based guide covering asparagus, beans, beets, carrots, corn, okra, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins and spinach. Recommended pressure canner process times are provided.

Cover art for publication GH1502

How to Freeze Fruits


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

Cover art for publication GH1505

How to Freeze Home-Prepared Foods


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

Publication cover.

How to Dehydrate Foods


Dehydrated foods are a sensible way for busy families to make healthy, portable snacks or store seasonal produce for use. You need to carefully follow directions for preparing and pretreating produce to maintain quality.

Publication cover.

Safe Home Canning Basics


Safely preserve fresh fruits and vegetables — and meat, poultry, seafood, soups and sauces — by the proper canning method: boiling water, steam or pressure. Learn the basics in this guide.

Cover art for publication GH1455

How to Can Fresh Fruit


Did you know there's more than one way to can fresh fruit? Learn the options and what they mean for your final color and taste.

Publication cover.

How to Can Sweet Spreads


Jelly, jam, preserves, conserves, marmalades and fruit butters are similar products. All are made from fruit, preserved by sugar and thickened or gelled to some extent.

Cover art for publication GH1503

How to Freeze Vegetables


From blanching, cooling and freezing to thawing and using, learn how to safely freeze vegetables — asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, herbs, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and more — in this MU Extension guide.

Cover art for publication G6222

Selling Strategies for Local Food Producers


Learn how farms can market local food directly to consumers by building relationships with buyers, discovering customer needs, providing quality service.

Cover art for publication MX398

Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide


Learn the latest pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers in the Midwest in this guide.

Cover art for publication DM302

Entrepreneurial Dynamics in Missouri Counties


Learn how promoting entrepreneurship may promote economic growth and increase a community’s quality of life. Increasing access to outside markets through online sales can increase local business’ customer bases as well.

Publication cover.

Agriculture and the Occupational Safety and Health Act


Missouri farms and ranches must have a safety and health program that complies with OSHA rules, regulations and standards if they have employees. Read this FAQ for details.

FR36347 publication cover.

Public Information Officer, Second Edition Manual

New $49

This manuals provides basic skills and awareness training for fire department public information officers (PIOs). It has been constructed to meet current recognized guidelines and practices in the field and features an overview of the skills and knowledge a PIO needs to perform the diverse and demanding tasks associated with the position.

Cover art for publication DM301

Local and Regional Food System Resilience During COVID-19


Follow these guidelines for facilitating an improved business engagement while fostering leadership and problem solving to find meaningful engagement in rural small businesses. Business examples and seven key guidelines are presented here.

FR36348 publication cover.

Public Information Officer: Media Relations for Fire Service Professionals, Second Edition Curriculum

New $95

This curriculum covers all five chapters of Public Information Officer, Second Edition Manual. The components are designed for use in traditional face-to-face and hybrid classroom environments.

Cover art for publication EQ303

Nutrient Recovery System for Dairy Farms: Dissolved Air Flotation and Multi-Disk Press


A manure management plan consists of balancing the use and/or reuse of organic material but, more importantly, nutrients — primarily nitrogen and phosphorous — and water. Water and nutrients are intertwined because water is the primary means by which nutrients are conveyed across and away from farms.

Cover art for publication MX384

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers


Check out this annual guide for a summary of currently suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control, and disease control measures for commercial growers.

Cover art for publication G603

Introduction to Hedging Agricultural Commodities With Options


Hedging in the commodity options exchange markets can reduce farmers' price and production risk. Learn how to better evaluate hedging opportunities in this guide.

Cover art for publication G520

Verbal Farm Rental Agreements Under Missouri Law


Learn about the problems and risks associated with informal verbal farm leases, and see the minimum requirements to include in a basic written lease.

Displaying 1051 - 1075 of 2482