Turfgrass Insects, Page 2
Annual white grub species that can cause turfgrass damage: May/June beetles, masked chafers, black turfgrass ataenius, green June beetles, and Japanese beetles.
Turfgrass Insects, Page 5
Insects that can be nuisance pests in turfgrass: ants, centipedes, millipedes, chiggers, cicadas (periodical), cicada killers (digger wasps), crickets, earwigs, fleas, grasshoppers, leafhoppers, pillbugs and sowbugs, spiders (grass), spittlebugs, ticks and yellowjackets.
Care of Flowering Potted Plants
Turfgrass Insects, Page 3
Billbugs, crane flies and mole crickets are subsurface-feeding insects that can cause turfgrass damage.
Turfgrass Insects, Page 6
Insecticide use should be the last resort in managing insect pests, but may be necessary even with a careful integrated pest management plan in place.
Home Fruit Production: Grape Training Systems
Pruning is one of the most neglected practices in home plantings of grapes. Visit our site for our Home Fruit Production: Grape Training Systems guide.
Turfgrass Insects, Page 4
These surface-feeding insects can cause turfgrass damage: fall armyworms, bermudagrass mites, chinch bugs, cutworms, greenbug aphids, mealybugs and sod webworms.
Turfgrass Insects, Page 7
These tables contain information describing active ingredients, products and target insects of insecticides currently labeled for turfgrass insect control. Insecticide labels are subject to change.
Roses: Care After Planting
Planting roses? Learn how to mulch, water, prune, and care for your roses. Includes a pest guide.
Garden 'n Grow: Leader Handbook
Reviewed $30
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The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.
Italian/Annual Ryegrass Management in Soybean
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.
Carpenter Bees
Johnsongrass Management in Soybeans
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.
Selecting Landscape Plants: Broad-leaved Evergreens
Broad-leaved evergreens are highly prized landscape plants, but many require special attention to develop into attractive, long-lived plants. Learn how to select and care for plants that will thrive in your area with the help of this MU Extension guide.
Raised-Bed Gardening
Raised-bed gardens have several advantages, including higher yields and a longer growing season. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees and shrubs can all be grown in raised beds. Learn about types of raised beds and how to build and maintain them in this gui
Fruit Spray Schedules for the Homeowner, Page 04
List of pesticides and spray schedules for controlling common diseases and insect pests on cherries.
Fruit Spray Schedules for the Homeowner, Page 07
List of pesticides and spray schedules for controlling common diseases and insect pests on peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots.
Fruit Spray Schedules for the Homeowner, Page 10
Table 2 lists common insecticide and fungicide brand names and days between last application and date of harvest.
Fire Blight
Fruit Spray Schedules for the Homeowner, Page 02
List of pesticides and spray schedules for controlling common diseases and insect pests on apples and pears.
There are about 30 species of fleas in Missouri and many pose a health risk to pets and humans. Visit our site today to learn more about fleas.
Fruit Spray Schedules for the Homeowner, Page 05
List of pesticides and spray schedules for controlling common diseases and insect pests on gooseberries and currants.
Insect Borers of Fruit Trees
Once borers have infested a tree, they can be difficult to control. Visit our website to learn more about Insect Borers of Fruit Trees.