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A Taste of Missouri — November — Winter Squash

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using winter squash are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

G433 (Incorporating Conservation Provisions in Leases) thumbnail

Incorporating Conservation Provisions in Leases


Landowners and tenants can both benefit when their responsibilities concerning conservation practices are specified in a written land lease. Learn topics that should be discussed and understood prior to incorporating conservation practices into a written land lease. This guide also provides sample wording for various conservation considerations.

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A Taste of Missouri — September — Potatoes

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using potatoes are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

hes 160 cover image

Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2024, No. 5 (September/October)


A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.

G459 publication cover.

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance


See how LRP insurance helps farmers manage market price volatility risk. Missouri producers may apply for feeder cattle, fed cattle, lamb and swine policies.

Cover art for publication G409

Funding Agricultural Business Development With Federal and State Grants


Grant programs allow agricultural businesses and farmers to seek funding that supports business development and may complement other business financing.

Cover art for publication G427

Cash Rental Rates in Missouri


Learn about trends in cash rental rates for Missouri cropland, pastureland, grain bins, farm buildings and fee hunting based on survey responses from 112 MIssourians.

Cover art for publication G404

Farmland Values for Midwestern States


Find farmland value price trends in Missouri and other Midwestern states since 1912.

SR606 cover image

Northern Missouri Research, Extension and Education Center, Field Day Annual Report 2024


Northern Missouri Research, Extension, and Education Center (NMREEC) field day annual report includes brief reports on the research conducted at the NMREEC research farms.

Cover art for publication G431

Leasing Land for Solar Energy Development


Leasing land to develop utility-scale solar energy farms is becoming more common in Missouri. Learn what landowners should consider before entering into utility-scale solar energy development land leases.

cover image

A Taste of Missouri — August — Peach

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using peaches are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

Cover art for publication M121

The Missouri Criminal Code: A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers

Revised $30

The Missouri Criminal Code: A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers includes the most recent changes in the Missouri Revised Criminal Code.

G2835 thumbnail cover image

Buying a Horse


Purchasing a horse should be well planned and carefully thought out. For most people, this will be a significant investment and therefore it should not be handled in a rushed manner.

G692 thumbnail image

Beekeeping Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns when beekeeping and producing honey in Missouri.

G693 cover image thumbnail

Microgreens Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns from producing microgreens in Missouri.

G6986 publication cover.

Controlled Environment Agriculture: Hydroponic Farming


Learn about ways to grow vegetables, fruits and related crops in indoor hydroponic systems and environmental control considerations for managing production.

G704 cover and thumbnail image

Tomato (High Tunnel) Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate costs and returns for producing high tunnel tomatoes in Missouri.

Extension logo

Hair Shedding Scores: More Than Heat Stress


This MU Extension guide is meant to provide background information on the economic importance of hair shedding scores, introduce the hair shedding scoring system, discuss how to implement hair shedding into a selection program, and promote hair shedding as a management tool.

sheep in drought

Management of Sheep and Goats Through Drought


During drought, sheep and goats may have difficulty meeting their nutritional needs, which can lead to weight loss as body reserves are depleted; and most of the animals are predisposed to diseases and some die. It is therefore important to prepare animals for strategies that will help them cope and maintain body condition.

Thermometer reading over 100 degrees Farenheit.

How to Reduce Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle


Heat stress in dairy cattle is one of the top causes of decreased production & fertility. Visit our site to learn How to Reduce Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle.


Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2024, No. 4 (July/August)


A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.

G2041 cover/thumbnail

How to Use the Hair Shedding Scale


Hair shedding scores represent a visual appraisal of the extent an animal has shed their winter coat. This MU Extension guide is meant to provide further detail and guidance on hair shed scoring animals.

G694 cover image

Lisianthus Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for growing lisianthus as a cut flower in Missouri.

Cover art for publication G2014

Hair Shedding Scores: A Tool to Select Heat Tolerant Cattle


Selecting cattle that can cope with heat stress is important for sustainable beef production. Learn about tools for breeding cattle adapted to heat stress and see a photographic guide to a hair-shedding scoring system in this MU Extension guide.

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