Tree Pests: Native Pests - Page 3


Hypoxylon canker

Hypoxylon canker is a common disease of hardwoods, especially species in the red oak group. It is often one of several factors ultimately responsible for tree death. A disease of the inner bark and sapwood, Hypoxylon damages tissues used by the tree to conduct water from soil to the leaves.

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 2


TCD signs and symptoms Identify tree as a walnut

TCD only affects walnut species. In Missouri, that means eastern black walnut and butternut. At first glance, trees such as pecan, tree-of-heaven, goldenraintree and black locust can be mistaken for a black walnut tree. So, to begin, make sure your tree is a walnut.

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 3


Where TCD has been found

Thousand cankers disease occurs in nine western and five eastern states (shaded pink); the year in which the disease was confirmed is noted. Since 2010, TCD has been confirmed in Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia.

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 6


Slow the spread of TCD

You can help minimize the chances of spreading TCD by following these steps:

Tree Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle



The invasive Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) hitchhiked to the United States nestled deep within hardwoods cut into crates and pallets and used to import goods from Asian countries.

Tree Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle - Page 4


ALB quarantine information

Currently, there are no interior or exterior ALB quarantines for the state of Missouri.

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 4


TCD quarantine information

TCD is not federally regulated, but be aware that individual states have enacted state-level or county-level quarantines restricting the movement of untreated walnut materials of all kinds.

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 7


Before you report a possible TCD find

To determine if you should report TCD, ask yourself these questions:

Is my tree a walnut tree?

Determine if your tree is a walnut. If the answer to this question is yes, move to the next question.

Tree Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle - Page 2


ALB signs and symptoms Signs

Adult Asian longhorned beetles (Ano

Tree Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle - Page 5


Slow the spread of ALB

We must remain vigilant so we can eradicate any infestations should they occur. Transporting firewood or other wood materials from an infested area can spread ALB. So, the same common sense practices for slowing the spread of emerald ash borer and thousand cankers disease apply to ALB, namely:

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease



Although not yet detected here, thousand cankers disease (TCD) is a potentially fatal disease of black walnut, caused by the walnut twig beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis) and an associated fungus (Geosmithia morbida).

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 5


TCD management

Controls for TCD have not yet been identified and their development will require better understanding of the biology of the walnut twig beetle and the canker-producing fungus. Because of the extended period when adult beetles are active, insecticide spray applications will likely have limited effectiveness.

Tree Pests: Thousand Cankers Disease - Page 8


Now is the time to look for TCD symptoms

Although not detected in Missouri, TCD could easily get here on infested walnut wood used for woodworking or firewood from western or eastern states where TCD has been confirmed. Late July and early August is the best time to watch for possible symptoms of TCD.

Tree Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle - Page 3


Where ALB has been found

As of May 2014, there are active ALB infestations in Massachusetts, New York and Ohio. There are no known populations in Missouri.

Tree Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle - Page 6


Before you report a possible ALB find

Many native, less serious borers attack hardwood trees and do not need to be reported. Consult the ALB signs and symptoms. Early detection of ALB infestations and rapid treatment response are critical to successful eradication of this beetle.

If you find a suspect beetle in Missouri:

The System Concept of Beef Production: BIF Fact Sheet


The systems concept of beef production incorporates an awareness that there is more to consider in a beef cattle enterprise than simply the level of production. What is most important is the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

Elderberry Rust


Michele R. Warmund
Fruit State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Vitamins for Beef Cattle


Vitamin needs of beef cattle can be confined largely to A, D and E. This is because bacteria in the rumen of cattle are considered to have the ability to synthesize vitamin K and the B vitamins in sufficient quantities to meet the animal's requirement.

Mineral Supplements for Beef Cattle


Beef cattle require a number of dietary mineral elements to remain healthy. Visit our site to learn about Mineral Supplements for Beef Cattle.

Managing Oaks for Acorn Production to Benefit Wildlife in Missouri


Oaks are very important trees in Missouri’s forests. Visit our site to view our Managing Oaks for Acorn Production to Benefit Wildlife in Missouri resource.

Determining Timber Cost Basis


Hank Stelzer
Forestry State Specialist
School of Natural Resources

Tree Decline: What Is It?


Hank Stelzer
Forestry State Specialist
School of Natural Resources

How to Buy and Sell Firewood


One of the first questions a person buying firewood asks is “How much per cord? Visit our website to learn about How to Buy and Sell Firewood.

Wheat Silage for Beef Cattle


Wheat, barley and oat silages are often underrated as feed for growing and finishing beef cattle. Studies show barley silage as being equal to corn silage, but they show that oat silage has about 50 percent the value of corn silage in beef rations.

Care of Newly Purchased Feeder Cattle


Eric Bailey
Beef State Specialist
Division of Animal Sciences

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