Controlling Deer Damage in Missouri


Robert A. Pierce II
School of Natural Resources

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are found in a variety of habitats throughout Missouri. They are beautiful and fascinating animals that provide many aesthetic and recreational benefits (Figure 1).

Fire Service Hydraulics and Water Supply, Third Edition Manual

New $80 to $93

This manual covers the basics of water and water flow, theoretical and practical methods of determining water flow and pressure loss, types of pumps and fire apparatus used to move water, relay pumping operations, fire pump testing, and effectively supplying sprinkler and standpipe systems. It also discusses recent research on updating friction loss coefficients for the modern fire hose.

Rapid Intervention Teams, Second Edition Curriculum

New $95

This curriculum covers the material presented in the Rapid Intervention Teams, Second Edition Manual. It comprises comprehensive and easy-to-customize IFSTA lesson outlines and PowerPoint presentations.

Rapid Intervention Teams, Second Edition Manual

New $59 to $69

This manual presents the purpose of a rapid intervention team (RIT) program and how to implement one in an emergency response organization. It serves as a guide to the regulations and standards that apply to RIT including information from NFPA 1407 related to training and operational concepts.

The County Extension Manual


Editor's note
This item is available for University of Missouri Extension internal orders or download only.
For more information, contact

Growing Millets for Grain, Forage or Cover Crop Use


Rob Myers
Adjunct Associate Professor
Division of Plant Sciences

Growing Buckwheat for Grain or Cover Crop Use


Rob Myers
Adjunct Associate Professor
Division of Plant Sciences

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 03


Aizoaceae is a small family of plants. Other than carpetweed, only two species of plants in this family are known to occur in relatively isolated locations in Missouri.

Laboratory Analysis of Manure


Learn methods for obtaining and interpreting laboratory analyses of manure to make efficient use of fertilizer nutrients in the manure in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 35


Plantaginaceae (Plantain family), known collectively as plantains, has about 11 species in the state.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 06


Apiaceae (Carron family), also known as the parsley family, is a large family that includes several herbal plants, such as caraway, dill and fennel. It also contains several toxic plants, such as poison hemlock and water hemlock.

Odors From Livestock Operations: Causes and Possible Cures


Donald L. Pfost, Charles D. Fulhage and John A. Hoehne
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 38


Of 20 genera known within Portulacaceae (Purslane famiy), there are only three present in the state. Purslane is the most common among them.

Artificial Insemination in Swine: Breeding the Female


The use of artificial insemination in the U.S has skyrocketed. Visit our website to view our Artificial Insemination in Swine: Breeding the Female article.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 09


All members of Asclepiadaceae are known as milkweeds. There are at least 15 species of milkweeds that occur in the state.

Calibration of Lagoon Irrigating Equipment


Charles D. Fulhage and Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 41


Many of the members of Rosaceae (Rose family) are commonly grown as cultivated plants, including rose, apple, pear and strawberry. A notorious member, multiflora rose, is one of the state’s noxious weeds.

Swine Diet Manipulation to Minimize Environmental Impacts


Marcia Carlson
State extension swine nutrition specialist

Heather Wilt
Graduate research assistant in animal sciences

Phosphorus Best Management Practices for Biosolids and Other Organic Residuals


John A. Lory
Division of Plant Sciences
Commercial Agriculture Program

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 12


Boraginaceae (Borage family) also includes several nuisance plants known as “beggar’s lice” because their fruits readily attach to clothing and other articles.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 44


Of the nearly 280 genera of Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family), at least 25 are known to be in Missouri. The genera that contain mullein and speedwell are among the most common.

Antibiotics and Other Additives for Swine: Food Safety Considerations


Marcia S. Carlson and Thomas J. Fangman
Department of Animal Sciences

The term antibiotic means "against life" or "destructive to life." An antibiotic is a natural compound synthesized by a living organism that inhibits the growth of another living organism.

Managing Nitrogen to Protect Water Quality


John Lory and Steve Cromley
Division of Plant Sciences

How is nitrogen lost from the soil?

Nitrogen is primarily lost by three pathways:

Tax Considerations for the Establishment of Agroforestry Practices


Learn tax advantages for planting trees for timber, using personal property for business use, investing in conservation and reporting timber sales as capital gains.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 15


Only a few members of Capparidaceae (Caper family), such as spider flower, occur in Missouri.

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