Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 19
XVIII. Elections Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. When elections are held
City elections are held on general municipal election day. This is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April (115.121). Elections are held annually.
Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 2
I. Background for Fourth-Class Cities Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. A note
Most cities in Missouri are fourth-class cities; some are about as old as the state and others are brand new.
Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 5
IV. Mayor Powers and Duties Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. The general charge
The mayor "shall have a seat in and preside over the board of aldermen" (79.120), but only votes to break a tie.
Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 8
VII. Marshal Powers and Duties Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. Selection and eligibility
Following approval by a majority of the voters, the board of aldermen may provide for the appointment of a police chief.
Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 11
X. Collector Powers and Duties Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. Considerations
There are a number of options regarding the city collector.
Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 14
XIII. Bids and the Bidding Process Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. The legal requirements
A city can decide for itself at what dollar-level bids must be taken. This decision should be by official board resolution.
Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 17
XVI. Conflict of Interest Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. What the law says
The conflict of interest law provides that officials will not do business with themselves (105.450-.466).
Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Waterhemp in Corn and Soybean
Kevin Bradley
MU extension weed scientistReid Smeda
MU weed scientistRaymond Massey
Vegetable Gardening
New $10
Vegetable gardening is a rewarding activity that can provide fresh, flavorful produce. It also offers the benefits of exercise, fresh air and landscape beautification. Learn to grow your own vegetables so you can eat fresh and save on groceries.
Herbaceous Ornamentals
New $10
Chapter 9 of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual
Your Child’s Health and BMI
Body Mass Index (BMI), a ratio of an individual’s height and weight, is used as a screening tool to identify possible health risks such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Learn how to keep your child’s BMI within a healthy range.
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees, Page 05
Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica)
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees, Page 08
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 11
Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis) Large trees
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 14
Linden (Tilia spp.) Medium-sized trees
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 17
Red maple (Acer rubrum) Large trees
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 20
Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila)
Large trees
Maximum height
70 feet
Relative growth rate
Freedom from insect pests
Very poor
Freedom from disease problems
Resistance to storm damage
Very poor
Will grow on poorly drained soil
Corn Diseases
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 23
Swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor) Large trees
Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 26
Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) Large trees
The Bagworm in Missouri
Soil Testing for Lawns
Periodic soil testing helps you correct nutrient deficiencies, avoid excess fertilizer applications and maintain a healthy lawn. Learn when routine soil testing makes sense and what it analysizes in this University of Missouri Extension guide.