E3A Small Wind: Understand Small Wind
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E3A Micro-hydro: Regulations
Any new micro-hydropower facility in Missouri is subject to regulatory approval concerning surface water use and diversions. Learn about the steps for licensing one in this guide.

E3A Understanding Energy: Needs Assessment
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E3A Small Wind: Estimating Energy Production
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E3A Understanding Energy: Green Building Programs for High Performance and Energy Efficiency
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E3A Small Wind: Siting and Permitting
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E3A Understanding Energy: Carbon and Energy in the United States
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E3A Small Wind: Wind for Pumping Water
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E3A Anaerobic Digesters: Understanding Technical Feasibility
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E3A Farm Energy: Energy-Saving Practices for Dairy Operations
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E3A Anaerobic Digesters: Selection
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E3A Solar Electricity: Building and Site Assessment
Answer these questions to see if a solar electric system will work for you. Learn the importance of roof angle, condition, orientation, size and sun exposure.

E3A Solar Hot Water: Building and Site Assessment
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E3A Solar Electricity: System Components
Learn about parts of a solar electric system, including batteries, charge controllers, crystalline silicon, inverters, meters and photovoltaic materials.

E3A Home Energy: Gas Appliances
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E3A Solar Hot Water: System Sizing
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E3A Solar Electricity: Costs
Learn about the costs of a solar electric system, how to estimate cost savings and simple payback for a net-metered photovoltaic (PV) system, and more.

E3A Home Energy: Insulating Side Walls
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E3A Solar Hot Water: Operation and Maintenance
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E3A Biodiesel: Consumer Issues
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E3A Solar Electricity: Electricity Use Worksheet
Use this electricity-use worksheet to estimate your energy use and help you determine what size solar electric system would meet your energy needs.

E3A Home Energy: Storm Windows
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E3A Biodiesel: Economics
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E3A Home Energy: Condensation Control
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E3A Home Energy: Attic and Ceiling Insulation
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