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SurpriseSarah Wood
Assistant Extension Professor

Fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories, and they make a great snack. This newsletter helps children try new types of fruits by encouraging them to choose and help prepare fruit dishes. It also includes two family-friendly recipes.

Publications numbers for pre-kindergarten newsletters are: N203 (Lesson 1), N200 (Lesson 2), N204 (Lesson 3), N202 (Lesson 4), N201 (Lesson 5), N205 (Lesson 6), N207 (Lesson 7), N209 (Lesson 8), N210 (Lesson 9), N211 (Lesson 10) and N212 (Lesson 11).


  • Fruits
  • Nutrition
  • Healthy eating
  • Farmers' market
  • Physical activity
  • Stretching


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