Now is time to enjoy wildlife and plan to improve habitat
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Spring is just around the corner and, with the final doldrums of winter, many Missouri wildlife species are showing an abundance of activity, says University of Missouri Extension state wildlife and fisheries specialist Bob Pierce.“This time of year provides many opportunities for conducting management practices on your property and also for getting outdoors and observing wildlife,” Pierce says.
Coexist with wildlife while preventing damage
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Few things are more enjoyable than watching deer in your backyard or listening to squirrels chatter at dusk or dawn from your patio. That is, until you find that they have inflicted costly damage to your home, patio furniture, flower bed or garden. In some cases, such as bird droppings, wildlife can even be hazardous to your health.
MU Extension offers Wednesday town hall meetings online for farmers, gardeners
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension is offering online town hall meetings led by agronomy, livestock and horticulture specialists.“MU Extension has long served as a trusted and necessary resource to help Missourians get food on the table and gardens in the backyard,” says Lee Miller, coordinator of MU’s Integrated Pest Management program. “We’ll strive to continue this even through COVID-19.”
Wildlife population trends
Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report
Farmer participation in conservation programs
Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Field borders benefit wildlife on the farm
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Weedy field borders and brushy fence lines may not be attractive to some people, but for many Missouri farm wildlife and game species, those places are prime real estate.

You've got quail
COLUMBIA, Mo. – “If you get up in the morning and you hear quail singing and it doesn’t make your heart lift, you missed out on a big part of what life really is,” says farmer George Hobson. Modern farming techniques have erased much of the habitat of the once-abundant northern bobwhite quail, but on Hobson’s farm and others like it, the quail population is going up—without dragging profits down.