AgSite Assessment Tool
Use this web-based tool to generate a report describing the physical, demographic and environmental characteristics of a selected land parcel and its surroundings.
American Soybean Association
Advocates and provides information for U.S. soy farmers on policy and trade issues.
Crop progress and condition — U.S. Department of Agriculture
Statistics useful for Missouri agriculture.
Crop water use calculator
Use location, crop, planting date and other information to customize your water use calculation.
Delayed Planting and Replanting Insurance Evaluator (XLSX)
An evaluation tool designed for corn and soybean farmers with crop insurance who experience early-season production problems, such as flooding, poor germination or prevented planting.
Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production (PDF)
A wide-ranging report on Missouri's crop industry, covering its history, trends, challenges and opportunities.
Estimated precipitation map — Intellicast
Map showing the amount of precipitation that has accumulated within the last 24 hours.
Horizon Point site-specific weather info
A custom weather analysis system that provides site-specific advisories to participating Missouri farmers.
Missouri Climate Center
Provides weather data required for effective planning and management of the state's agriculture, industry and natural resources.
Missouri Mesonet — Weather Station Network
Provides real-time weather data from stations across Missouri.
Missouri Soybeans
Learn about soybeans and their uses from this Missouri Soybean Association and Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council website.
Missouri Strip Trial Program
Tap into on-farm and field-scale research to obtain farm-specific data and information you can use to make decisions and evaluate best management practices while protecting your bottom line.
Mizzou Crop & Pest News
Stay up to date on the latest news and information with the Integrated Pest and Crop Management newsletter.
MU nutrient management home page
Find information and resources on nutrient management planning, manure management, feeding operation regulations and the environment at this site.
MU pest monitoring network
Learn about common pests and subscribe to pest alert emails that go out when pest captures reach significant numbers.
MU weed ID guide
Search for and identify weeds by their common or Latin names, or look up descriptions of their leaves, flowers, fruit, roots, identifying characteristics and overall appearance.
National Drought Mitigation Center
The National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), established at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1995, helps people and institutions prepare for drought.
Replant Decision Aid (XLSX)
A worksheet designed to help farmers objectively analyze whether to replant corn or soybean as well as whether to plant corn or soybean into existing wheat.