Possible alternative crops for late planting situations in Missouri
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Missouri Soybean Hall of Fame inducts George Washington Carver
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri native George Washington Carver was named the second member of the Missouri Soybean Center Hall of Fame during the third annual Soybean Symposium in April.“We can be proud that Missouri produced this great person. He was an agronomist with a mission,” said Bill Wiebold, director of the Missouri Soybean Center.

Soybean disease not usually seen in state shows in NW Missouri
Note: Revised to correct spelling of “sclerotinia.” COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension agronomy specialist Wayne Flanary says about 160 acres of soybean in northwestern Missouri show symptoms of sclerotinia stem rot. The MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic confirmed the disease, which can cause large losses in fields with high yield potential.