Timely ag topics at free Aug. 8 event in Palmyra

PALMYRA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension specialists will give updates on timely topics in agriculture 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 8, in Palmyra. MU Extension field agronomist Nick Wesslak said topics at the free event will include diseases such as tar spot and red crown rot, drying and storage of late-planted corn, stockpiling fall forage, fall pasture weed control and frost-seeding legumes.

Japanese beetle numbers increasing in corn, soybean

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri corn and soybean growers are reporting growing numbers of Japanese beetles in crops in recent weeks, says University of Missouri Extension state entomologist Ivair Valmorbida. Valmorbida uses numbers from MU Extension’s Pest Monitoring Network, which gathers information from across the state

MU Extension releases soybean yield tool

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A new tool developed by University of Missouri Extension’s state soybean specialist, Andre Froes de Borja Reis, can indicate soybean growth and anticipate yield deviations before the end of the season. “This tool is designed to predict soybean development and yield based on crop growth models,” Reis said. “It simulates soybean growth in various regions of Missouri, using both historical and current weather data.”

MU Graves-Chapple Center compares corn, soybean tillage systems over decades

ROCK PORT, Mo. – Decades-long research on corn and soybean plots at the University of Missouri Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center in northwestern Missouri shows how tillage systems have affected yields. Four of the most common tillage systems were compared at Graves-Chapple in Rock Port: fall and spring disk; spring disk; no-till; and fall chisel and spring disk.

Soybean gall midge spreading in Midwest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Soybean gall midge is appearing about 10 days earlier than usual in Nebraska crops, says University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension crop protection and cropping systems specialist Justin McMechan. That could spell trouble for Missouri soybean growers as well.

Challenges and strategies in optimizing soybean planting

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A grower’s planting operation and crop stand establishment is the most critical event in every farmer’s calendar, said Andre Reis, University of Missouri Extension state soybean specialist.

Research leads to potential increases in Missouri soybean yield

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri soybean yields have the potential to reach or exceed national averages, says University of Missouri Extension state soybean specialist Andre Reis. Nationally, soybean yields have grown at a pace of 0.4 bushel per acre per year over the past 80 years, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Illinois growers saw a 0.47 bushel per acre per yield upturn, while Iowa boasted a 0.48 bushel per…

Be on guard for older soil-borne and look-alike soybean diseases

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farmers often struggled during the drought of 2023 to identify what was happening in their soybean as plants showed similar symptoms with different causes. University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Mandy Bish calls some of these causes doppelgangers, look-alikes that mimic other diseases with confusing similarities and perplexing differences. In addition, old soybean foes and emerging threats combined to create…

Test for soybean cyst nematode this fall

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Oct. 2 is National Nematode Day and marks a good time to test fields for soybean cyst nematode (SCN), the No. 1 pathogen of soybean in the United States.“We anticipate the highest SCN levels to occur at the end of the season. Identifying problematic areas this fall can help with 2024 planting decisions,” said Mandy Bish, University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist and director of the SCN Diagnostics clinic.

MU Extension to hold soybean walk Aug. 8 in St. Joseph

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - Producers in northwestern Missouri can hear crop updates from University of Missouri Extension specialists Aug. 8 at the Northwest Missouri Soybean Walk.

MU Extension to hold crop and forage chat in Palmyra

PALMYRA, Mo. - Producers in northeastern Missouri can hear crop and forage updates from University of Missouri Extension specialists at a free event in August.The MU Extension Crop and Forage Chat will be 9-11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 11, at the Shawn Kiefaber/Kenny Lovelace Farm, 1 mile west of Palmyra, off U.S. 61 on County Road 318. In the event of rain, the event will move to the fairgrounds livestock barn at Flower City Park, 1000 W. New…

Sample fields for SCN after soybean harvest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Right after soybean harvest is the time to test fields for soybean cyst nematode (SCN), the No. 1 pathogen of soybean in the United States.

Glufosinate-resistant Palmer amaranth found in Missouri Bootheel

PORTAGEVILLE, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension researchers have confirmed the first case of glufosinate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Missouri’s Bootheel region.Palmer amaranth has been MU Extension weed scientist Kevin Bradley’s No. 1 weed to watch in the rest of the state for years.Palmer amaranth spreads and adapts quickly to herbicides. When it goes to seed, the weed is a superstar, producing as many as 1 million seeds per…

Plants respond to heat differently than humans

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Extreme heat affects plants differently than humans.With triple-digit temperatures this summer, grain crop growers should understand how heat affects plants, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold.First, human concepts such as “heat index” or “feels like” do not apply to plants, Wiebold says. People and plants feel and react differently to heat.

MU Extension guide helps farmers with replant decisions

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Challenging weather has forced Missouri farmers to make difficult decisions on whether to replant crops because of sparse stands or delayed planting.

Rain, heat increase risk of ponding

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Predicted temperatures in the low 90s the week of May 8 combined with intense or recurrent rainfall could result in damage to corn and soybean crops from ponding, saturated soils and flooding, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold.Survival of submerged corn and soybean seedlings depends on seed quality, flood duration, water temperatures, how fast fields dry and location of the growing point in…

Test for SCN after soybean harvest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The best time to test for soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is right after soybean harvest, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette. 

Mizzou Weed Science shares Seed Terminator research

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In the 1984 film “The Terminator,” a robotic assassin played by Arnold Schwarzenegger warns, “I’ll be back.” If waterhemp could talk, it might say the same thing. Waterhemp can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. The prolific producer of seeds is the state’s No. 1 weed, robbing Missouri agriculture of millions of dollars each year.

Mother Nature's drenchings damage crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Mother Nature has not been kind to Missouri agriculture in 2021, says University of Missouri Extension soybean specialist Bill Wiebold.Spring rains delayed corn and soybean planting well beyond the best date for yield, says Wiebold. Then the rain stopped and hot, dry weather slowed growth. Frequent heavy rains added to the misery in Missouri fields.

Spring rains bring root rots to Missouri field crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Frequent spring rains in Missouri set the stage for seedling and root rotting diseases that can lower yields.Pythium species usually infect the roots of corn, soybean and wheat, especially in the northern half of the state, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette.

Make the most from late-planted soybean

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Soggy fields, low soil temperatures and 16 cloudy days in May delayed soybean planting in Missouri.Average yield for soybean planted in the third week of June is at least 25% less than soybean planted in early May, and July plantings fare even worse, says University of Missouri Extension soybean specialist Bill Wiebold.

Free SCN tests available to farmers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri farmers can submit two free tests to beat the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) by contacting their county University of Missouri Extension center or the SCN Diagnostics laboratory.

Should soybean be planted before corn? MU research still favors corn

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In recent years, the agriculture community began discussing whether it makes sense to plant soybean first and delay corn planting.The University of Missouri Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute predicts a 7% increase in soybean acres planted in 2021. That leaves farmers wondering whether they could, or should, plant soybean before corn.

Crops face danger of BMSB damage

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A flurry of calls and emails from homeowners about the brown marmorated stink bug to University of Missouri Extension specialists sounds a warning of what is to come in in the next two years.

SDS appearing in Missouri soybean fields

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension agronomists reported during their weekly teleconference that sudden death syndrome (SDS) is showing up in soybean fields across the state.MU Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette says she is not surprised that the yield-robbing disease has reared its ugly head.