The following publications cover topics related to Rice Extension. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

2023 Missouri Rice Planting Date and Cultivar Trials


This report summarizes all rice cultivar (variety/hybrid) trials conducted in Missouri during the 2023 crop season. These trials featured 30 rice cultivars that were tested in 22 unique environments across both flood-irrigated and furrow-irrigated rice production systems, on research stations and on-farm.

Guidelines for Producing Rice Using Furrow Irrigation


Gene Stevens
Extension Professor, Agronomy

Johanna Nelson
Research/Lab Technician, Plant Sciences

Jim Heiser
Senior Research Associate, Plant Sciences

Crop Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Rice Sheath Blight Control


Sheath blight is the most destructive disease Missouri rice growers face. Learn about sheath blight symptoms, causes and control; fungicide use; and scouting in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Rice Blast Control


Blast, also called rotten neck, is one of the most destructive diseases of Missouri rice. Learn about rice blast control in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Phosphorus Management for Drill-Seeded Rice


David Dunn
Soil Testing Laboratory
MU Delta Research Center

Gene Stevens
Plant Sciences
Delta Research Center

Boron and Sulfur Fertilization on Rice


David Dunn
Soil Testing Laboratory
MU Delta Research Center

Gene Stevens
Plant Sciences
Delta Research Center

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