Missouri Grain Crops
Grain crops are plants that provide seeds we use for any purpose, including food, feed and industrial products. Nine of the world’s top 10 crops based on harvested acreage are grain crops. Missouri is an important contributor to the world’s production of five of these important grain crops: namely soybean, corn, wheat, rice and grain sorghum. Production statistics illustrating the large quantities demanded by world consumption are provided on this page.
The economic health of every Missouri community depends on the profitable production of grain crops. Information provided on this page and its associated links will help farmers enhance profitability while protecting the environment so that a safe and plentiful food supply is available for all of Missouri’s citizens.
Our information is useful not only for farmers, but for anyone interested in Missouri agriculture. All Missouri citizens — as voters, teachers, lenders, agency personnel or advice providers — make decisions or take actions that affect grain crop production. This site will help inform those decisions.

Weather and climate resources
Find resources for weather data and agricultural climate developments for crops.

Drought, flood and wind resources
Get resources on flooding, drought and wind intensity with current conditions and outlooks that are affecting crop agriculture.

Mizzou grain crops resources
University of Missouri programs, resources, worksheets and newsletters relating to grain crops.

MU Variety Testing Program
Selection of varieties that best fit a farmer's production goals and challenges is an essential part of profitable grain crop production. We provide the reliable, unbiased, up-to-date information that makes that selection possible.

MU Gene Zoos and Crop Gardens
Learn more about the diversity of some of the plants that are important to humans living in Missouri and the world.
Related programs
For information related to a specific crop, please visit the program sites listed below.