MU Extension offers native warm-season grass seed production workshop
COOK STATION, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension offers an opportunity to learn about native warm-season grass seed production at a workshop at the MU Wurdack Extension and Education Center on Oct. 25. MU Extension agricultural business specialist Rachel Hopkins says forage producers can learn from field demonstrations on harvesting and seed cleaning at the one-day event. The workshop also will cover regulations, testing,…
MU Extension offers self-paced vegetable production series
BOWLING GREEN, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will offer a self-paced “Conventional Vegetable Production Series” this fall.
MU experts offer HACCP training for food processors
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri will hold food safety training for food processors March 29-31 on the MU campus in Columbia.Lakshmikantha “Kantha” Channaiah, MU Extension state specialist in food processing, and Andrew Clarke, MU Food Science program coordinator, will lead the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) training.
Missouri farmers can profit using modern, sustainable aquaculture technology
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Ninety percent of the U.S. seafood supply is imported, mostly from China and Southeast Asia. Around 25% of U.S. wild-caught fish are exported to Asia for processing and then reimported to the U.S. “Adapting improved fish and shrimp production technologies offers significant opportunity for Missouri farmers to profit from farm-raised fish and seafood,” says David Brune, aquaculture specialist and extension professor at…
Soils, cropping systems specialist joins MU Delta Research Center
PORTAGEVILLE, Mo. – Justin S. Calhoun starts Sept. 1 as a University of Missouri Extension state specialist in soils and cropping systems. He will be based at the Fisher Delta Research Center (FDRC) in southeastern Missouri near Portageville. Calhoun will also be an assistant professor in the MU Division of Plant Science and Technology.
Missouri meat, poultry processors receive $16.7 million in grants with help from MU Extension partnership
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Nearly empty meat aisles are a burden producers, processors and consumers don’t want to face again. To prevent that, the Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) awarded $16.7 million to keep 150 meat and poultry processors throughout Missouri going strong.
Q&A with Jill Scheidt
What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri?
Q&A with Sam Polly
What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri?
Q&A with ag engineering specialist Shirin Ghatrehsamani
Shirin Ghatrehsamani, left, with other MU Agriculture and Environment Extension team members at a demonstration of drone applications a
Q&A with livestock specialist David Hoffman
What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri?
Q&A with agronomy specialist Pat Miller
What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri? I work with ag crop and forage producers, home gardeners and commercial produce growers to reach our #2xAg2030 goals. How long have you worked in this position? Thirty-two years. What is your favorite part about the work you do?
Keeping Missourians up to speed
When Ron Brown was approached to check out University of Missouri Extension’s Master Gardener program, he thought the opportunity to expand his already extensive gardening knowledge would only help as he worked in his home garden and a community garden in Ferguson, Mo. But Brown wasn’t sure what to expect since he hadn’t been in a classroom in years.
Bold goal, bold future: Doubling the value of Missouri agriculture by 2030
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension’s bold goal for a bold future takes the old adage “go big or go home” to another level. What is the bold goal? Double the value of Missouri agriculture by 2030 while sustaining the state’s natural resources.
Study maps future workforce demands of state’s No. 1 economic driver: agriculture industries
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Over the next decade, Missouri’s food, agriculture and forestry industries are projected to generate 13,000 job openings each year. Deliberate statewide planning and action will ensure a globally competitive workforce for employers in these industries that are foundational to Missouri’s economy.
Farmers markets: Safe, reliable, local food during COVID-19
ST. PETERS, Mo. – You can still safely shop and eat local during COVID-19, says a University of Missouri Extension horticulturist. “Farmers market managers across the state are working with advisers and local health departments to ensure the safety of their customers,” said Justin Keay, an extension horticulture specialist in the St. Louis area.
Missouri Food Finder
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Missouri Food Finder ( is a new online tool that easily connects Missouri consumers with people growing and selling locally produced food in their region. (Note: Since initial publication of this news release the site has been renamed Show Me Food and can be found at
Missouri growers are sweet on honey of a berry
ELKLAND, Mo. –Blueberry is singing the blues. There’s a new berry in town.Berry lovers might say “pretty is as pretty does” applies to the flavorful honeyberry. Easy-growing and easygoing, it grows well in a variety of soils, sun and shade. It resists disease and pests.
Prevent botulism from home-canned foods
Microorganisms all around us can cause food spoilage — they are in the air and soil, and on people and animals. Many microorganisms are difficult to get rid of, including Clostridium botulinum — the bacteria that causes botulism. Botulism is rare but can be fatal. Home-processed foods are often the culprit of foodborne botulism.
Planting, growing and harvesting onions
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Although onions may make you weep, the world would be a sadder place without the flavor and aroma they bring to our meals.
Cash does grow on trees
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri river hills would look beautiful lined with chestnut trees and they’d turn a pretty profit.“Missouri has a lot of acres in the river hills, which are fertile, deep, well-drained soils perfect for growing chestnuts,” said Michael Gold, professor of forestry at the University of Missouri.
High tunnel construction tips
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Producers should take care to choose an appropriate site for a high tunnel, according to University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist David Trinklein. He spoke to agriculture educators recently at MU’s Bradford Research and Extension Center.
High tunnels increase freshness and cash to producers
COLUMBIA, Mo. – “We are in a food production revolution,” University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist David Trinklein told agriculture educators recently at MU’s Bradford Research and Extension Center. High tunnels have grown in popularity in recent years, partly because of increased interest in locally grown produce, which tends to be fresher and more flavorful, Trinklein said.
Using trellises for home vineyards
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo.–Good fences make for good neighbors, especially if the fence provides fresh, homegrown fruit every year.“If there is one crop that gardeners have difficulty finding room for in the landscape, it is grapes,” says Marlin Bates, a University of Missouri Extension horticulturist.
Garden critters: 'Frenemies' in grow places
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Cute critters by day. Thieves by night.