Scheidt is an agronomy field specialist with MU Extension in Barton County.

Jill Scheidt showing onlookers how to fill out a form

What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri? 

I serve row crop and forage producers in southwest Missouri by presenting research-based programs related to relevant topics in agriculture. I also do field site visits and client calls, all while collaborating with local partners to bring timely research to the community. 

How long have you worked in this position?

Eight years in the current full-time position. In 2011, I did an internship with MU Extension in the Barton County office for six months.

What is your favorite part about the work you do?

I enjoy getting to know Missouri producers and then seeing them build trust in MU Extension through the impact of our programs and individual farm visits.

Three of my favorite MU Extension programs:

Jill Scheidt Hank Stelzer

Jill Scheidt and ag systems and natural resources education director Hank Stelzer identify a disease on a tree limb during a meeting at the MU Bradford Research Center.

Pearls of Production. Designed for full-time female farmers, the program is delivered locally with research relevant to their region of the state. We have built a lot of relationships and learned how to do some interesting things through hands-on demonstrations. Examples of our demonstrations include fence-building, reversing a trailer and low-stress cattle handling.

Calving Clinic, a hands-on clinic that offers producers experience at pulling and tubing a calf. Although I do not teach this course, I coordinate the event and love reading the evaluations of how this has really helped producers assist a cow in birthing.

Rural Developmental Needs Support. This is a course for community members and caregivers of someone with a developmental need such as autism. This program is made possible by MU Extension, AgrAbility and ECHO Autism. Participants connect with individuals in their area and hear expert advice from our team members. I just started working with this program, but my first meeting had 30 attendees and I’m personally passionate about it. I’m excited to see where it goes and the lives it will touch!

How are you helping MU Agriculture and Environment Extension reach our #2xAg2030 goal?

To reach MU A&E’s goal of 2xAg2030, I am bringing reliable research to my local communities. By listening to their needs, I deliver relevant resources to aid them in decision-making that improves not only their operation but, hopefully, impacts their life in a positive way.

Scheidt and her family

Scheidt and her family gather for a group photo before the 2020 Super Bowl.

What is something your CAFNR and MU Extension teammates may not know about you?

I am allergic to hay, and I hate bugs. What a terrible thing for an agronomist, right? I have been to the emergency room twice with a reaction to hay. Bugs give me the creepy-crawlies! I totaled my pickup trying to flick a beetle out my window in college.

We farm beef cattle, the occasional lamb and pig, soybean, milo, sweet corn and pumpkins! My family and I operate a roadside market to sell the sweet corn and pumpkins in the fall.

I love to run long distance. I push at least two of my three kids with me during races. If I could find a three-person jogging stroller, they’d all be there!


Writer: Ashley Craft