Health entrepreneurship could boost access to care
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri ranks below the national average in many key measures related to health and access to health care, especially in rural parts of the state. A new report from University of Missouri Extension suggests that “health entrepreneurship” might be one solution to the state’s shortage of care providers.
Recovery friendly workplaces: A model for building a stronger Missouri workforce and economy
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Mike Thibideau recalls the dread he felt that Monday morning when he called his boss to tell him he was in treatment for addiction.
MU nursing students step up to help with patient care over winter break
COLUMBIA, Mo. – One by one, the 70 nursing students on the late-afternoon video call turned on their cameras. Some were still in nursing uniforms from clinical, some were just taking a break from studying. Every hand was raised.“I was in tears,” said Robin Harris, associate dean for academic affairs at the University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing.

MU School of Medicine recognizes National Rural Health Day
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The University of Missouri School of Medicine joins health care organizations across the country to honor the thousands of health care students and professionals serving the unique health needs of an estimated 57 million rural Americans.
MU develops program to prepare for alternative care site staffing
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The University of Missouri is helping to lead a statewide effort to retrain and deploy retired nurses and other health care providers to alternative care sites (ACSs) for recovering COVID-19 patients. The coordinated response ensures that staff would be immediately available to assist whenever the need may arise.

Kathleen Quinn named senior program director for health and safety
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Kathleen Quinn, associate dean for rural health at the University of Missouri, has been named senior program director for health and safety. This new position is a collaborative effort between the MU School of Medicine and the MU Office of Extension and Engagement. One goal of the position is to solve rural health care challenges, a key aim of the NextGen Precision Health Initiative.
The University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing receives notice of continuing approval for another three years
University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Midwest Multistate Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Midwest Multistate Division Provider Number MO1022-6
4th annual advanced practice assessment and skills workshop
Participants of the 4th Annual Advanced Practice Assessment and Skill Workshop practice a running suture.