Missouri APEX Accelerator

Dealing with regulations and red tape can be frustrating. In fact, those obstacles often keep highly qualified suppliers from selling to the government.

Missouri APEX Accelerator logo

The Missouri APEX Accelerator's skilled procurement specialists help businesses obtain federal, state and local government contracts.

Our procurement specialists have years of experience. They will help you identify opportunities and understand the contracting process so you can take advantage of government sales dollars. APEX Accelerator counselors will assist with SAM registration, which is free.

Learn how to sell your products or services to the government. Contact our staff at a center near you, use this online form, or find contact information on this county coverage map (PDF).

The APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

Remote video URL
Watch Missouri PTAC: Here to help with government contracting on YouTube.

We’re here to help with government contracting

Remote video URL
Watch DLA Partnering With Industry (Open Caption) on YouTube.

Defense Logistic Agency partners with industry

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