This class is designed to provide the participant with the experience of table top exercises to review a foundation of hazardous materials training at the awareness and operations level. Technicians will also find this has value but it is targeted to those company officers who are tasked with the management of the initial phases of a hazardous materials scene. We use scenario-based discussions for risk-based assessment, simple tools and observations for rapid classification of mitigation options available to their organizations. Topics: Collecting Hazard and Response Information; Predicting the Likely Behavior of a Material and Its Container Estimating Potential Harm; Sampling and Hazard Classification; Field Screening; Risk Assessment; and, Action Planning Concerns. Target Audience – Hazardous Materials Operations or Technician trained emergency responders. Has value to hazmat team members, branch officers and IC levels.

Host requirements

Continuing education unit (CEUs)

  • EMS: EMT/Paramedic/Registered Nurse - Medical 2 hours; Operations 2 hours
Training details
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