SIKESTON, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will hold the annual MU Crop Conference Jan. 30 at the Miner Convention Center, 2610 E. Malone Ave., Miner, Mo.
The free conference provides producers, consultants, those involved in ag industry and government partners with research-based information on field crops, said Anthony Ohmes, MU Extension field specialist in agronomy.
The event runs 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with two breakout sessions that reflect the diverse nature of southeastern Missouri crops, Ohmes said.
Chase Floyd, Bradley Wilson and Justin Calhoun of MU Extension and Zachary Treadway of University of Arkansas Extension will discuss current research on cotton and peanuts. Another session will discuss current soybean and corn topics. State soybean specialist Andre Reis, state plant pathologist Mandy Bish and agronomist Justin Calhoun will share their latest research.
Gurbir Singh of the MU Greenley Memorial Research Center at Novelty, Mo., will give an update on using drones in cover crop and nutrient management research. Agricultural business specialist Randy Stephens will provide a market update.
For more information, contact Ohmes at 573-243-3581 or