Reducing grass tetany in cattle

“With lush grass growth coming in the spring, it is time to manage cattle and implement mineral supplementation strategies to reduce the incidence of grass tetany in your cattle operation,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. Cattle grass tetany symptoms result from low blood magnesium levels.

Missouri youths attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta

Missouri youths gathered with others from across the nation for the 2021 National 4-H Congress, Nov. 26-30 in Atlanta.

Tigers United: Mascots set aside rivalries to help save relatives in the wild

Missouri families and educators! Truman has something important to share with you. As any loyal fan knows, Mizzou’s mascot, Truman, is a Bengal tiger. Sadly, the number of tigers in the wild has declined sharply over the last century.  Today, there are fewer than 4,000 tigers left worldwide!

Missouri SBDC receives grant to help underserved communities succeed with the Small Business Innovation Research Program

MISSOURI – The Missouri SBDC (Small Business Development Centers) was awarded $125,000 for specialized training, business counseling, and technical assistance for research and development (R&D)-focused small businesses under the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.

The Cherry Company, Kansas City, MO

Thalia Cherry's entrepreneurial journey with The Cherry Company showcases growth through strategic coaching, highlighting her success in Kansas City.

Branson Airport, Hollister, MO

Branson Airport partnered with local experts to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, benefiting from various support programs to enhance travel recovery.

Good News Brewing, Defiance, MO

Good News Brewing in Defiance, MO, has thrived during the pandemic, seizing growth opportunities with the help of local business support

Lone Star Physiques, Kirkville, MO

Lone Star Physiques in Kirksville, MO, is a personal fitness business highlighting client success stories and rural entrepreneurship.

MU Extension and Show-Me ECHO partnership

MU Extension and Show-Me ECHO partnershipAmy Bartels, Human Development & Family Science Specialist WC Region

Youths compete at Missouri 4-H Livestock Judging Contest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – More than 100 youths competed at the 2021 University of Missouri Extension State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest on Sept. 11 at the MU Trowbridge Livestock Center in Columbia. This contest brought together 122 Missouri 4-H members to apply their evaluation and communication skills.

The Export Plan: Pricing Strategy

Now that you’ve identified a country for export and have selected a path to your customers, it’s a good time to start to think about pricing.  You’ll need to make the important decision on what you will charge for your product. In this issue, we’ll discuss the additional costs you can expect to incur when exporting to a foreign county and will review how those should be factored into the sales price of your product.

Export Planning Streamlined

The Missouri Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) recently brought a new international export business planning platform to small businesses across the state.

Suicide prevention in the workplace

In the United States alone, suicide accounts for nearly 40,000 lost lives per year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. That's an average of one suicide every 13 minutes. The truth is that anyone can be at risk. Sometimes you NEED help. Sometimes you ARE the help.

The Export Plan: Market Entry Strategy

In the previous article, we looked at tools that were available online from US Census sources and through Missouri SBDC counselors to identify potential markets at the country level.  This resulted in a prioritized list of countries to consider for export based on factors such as U.S.

Taking Missouri small businesses to the next level: CARES Act enables 12 to ‘Elevate’

Twelve Missouri small businesses accepted the challenge to take their businesses to the next level at the beginning of 2021.

The Export Plan: Market Research

Develop an export strategy by identifying markets, understanding entry strategies, setting prices, and assessing production capacity for global success.

$2,000 in scholarships awarded at MU Animal Sciences Leadership Academy

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Four participants in the University of Missouri Division of Animal Sciences 2021 Leadership Academy took home $500 scholarships to MU’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.MU Extension swine nutritionist Marcia Shannon said winners were selected by their peers based on group presentations on current topics.

MU report looks at population trends in Missouri

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri’s population grew by about 11,000 people from 2019 to 2020. This 0.2% increase is only half the national rate of 0.4%, though it is typical of the modest growth experienced by many other Midwestern states.

Preparing Undergraduates for Agriculture and Food Research Careers: An Internship Paradigm

Abstract: The University of Missouri Integrated STEM Internship Program (MU-ISIP) is a 9-week internship experience that helps prepare undergraduates for the workforce or graduate school in four Agriculture, Food and Research Initiative (AFRI) areas:

Sending students happiness in a box, TLC for College - Sedalia, MO

When three of Marina Scheiner’s nieces were away at college, Scheiner wanted to send them boxes of goodies to ensure they felt supported, appreciated and encouraged. But even with good intentions,“it was so hard to get it done. That conundrum sparked an idea.

Exporting: The First Step

Earlier in this series we looked at some of the benefits and basics of exporting. In this article, we will review an important first step, how to determine if there are no export control restrictions on your product or service. Unless there is a potential military or dual military-civilian use, it is likely there will not be export restrictions on your product or service.

Some Basics of Exporting

In the first article, we shared some basic information on some of the “whys” of exporting, including the expected growth in the international market for US businesses and available resources in this area for the small business owner to succeed. In this article, we will start to explore some of the factors to take into account as you reach a decision regarding if exporting is the right next step for your business.

Procurement Conference 2021

Do you do business with the local, state, or federal government? Or would you like to add the government as a customer? Join us for a one-day conference to network with government agencies and small business support programs to reach your business goals.

Should I Export My Business’s Goods and Services?

Are you a small business owner that is not currently exporting your goods and services, but is considering it? Are you concerned about how to make the right decision on this important question for your company and how to prepare your business for success in this area? If so, this column is for intended for you. It is my goal to share information to help position you and your business for a decision on exporting. 

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