The following publications might be of particular interest to people in Johnson County. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance


See how LRP insurance helps farmers manage market price volatility risk. Missouri producers may apply for feeder cattle, fed cattle, lamb and swine policies.

Cash Rental Rates in Missouri


Learn about trends in cash rental rates for Missouri cropland, pastureland, grain bins, farm buildings and fee hunting based on survey responses from 112 MIssourians.

Farmland Values for Midwestern States


Find farmland value price trends in Missouri and other Midwestern states since 1912.

Basics of Farm Lease Agreements


Learn about key elements necessary for creating quality written farm leases between tenants and landowners.

Custom Rates for Farm Services in Missouri


Get custom service rates for fieldwork, planting, fertilizer, crop harvesting, hauling and heavy equipment activities from a survey of farmers, agribusinesses and contractors.

Quality for Keeps: Freezer Problem Solver


Reviewed by Leslie Bertsch
Department of Nutrition and Health

Crop Insurance in Missouri


Learn four types of crop insurance that can manage corn, soybean and other row crop risk. Plus, read about units you can insure and the premium cost for a policy.

Controlling House Mice


Robert A. Pierce
Extension Fish and Wildlife Specialist

Steps for Successful Home Canning


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

How to Can Sweet Spreads


Jelly, jam, preserves, conserves, marmalades and fruit butters are similar products. All are made from fruit, preserved by sugar and thickened or gelled to some extent.

How to Freeze Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs and Dairy Products


Freezing is an excellent method of preserving animal products. Follow these basic guidelines for simple, effective and safe freezing of meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.

Introduction to Food Dehydration

Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of food preservation, though methods for drying food have become sophisticated over time. Learn the benefits and methods of dehydrating foods and how to select an electric dehydrator.

How to Can Fresh Vegetables


Learn to safely can fresh vegetables in this research-based guide covering asparagus, beans, beets, carrots, corn, okra, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins and spinach. Recommended pressure canner process times are provided.

Freezing Basics


Freezing is one of the easiest and quickest methods of food preservation. Most foods retain their natural color, flavor and texture better when frozen than when other methods of food preservation are used. Learn the basics in this MU Extension guide.

How to Freeze Home-Prepared Foods


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

How to Can Meat, Fish and Poultry


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

Safe Home Canning Basics


Safely preserve fresh fruits and vegetables — and meat, poultry, seafood, soups and sauces — by the proper canning method: boiling water, steam or pressure. Learn the basics in this guide.

How to Can Fresh Fruit


Did you know there's more than one way to can fresh fruit? Learn the options and what they mean for your final color and taste.

How to Freeze Fruits


Developed by Barbara Willenberg

Revised by Susan Mills-Gray
State Nutrition Specialist

Common Internal Parasites of Swine


Parasites can greatly reduce swine performance. Visit our website to learn about the Common Internal Parasites of Swine.

Agricultural Phosphorus and Water Quality


This guide demonstrates the complexities of reducing losses of phosphorus from agricultural land and the range of options available to help reach water quality goals.

Swine Management Check Sheet


John C. Rea and Ronald O. Bates
Department of Animal Sciences

This publication highlights some of the major swine management techniques producers should periodically check.

Pesticide Storage


Learn guidelines to ensure the safe and environmentally friendly storage of pesticides.

How to Use Dehydrated Foods


Developed by Barbara Willenberg
Revised by Susan Mills-Gray, State Nutrition Specialist

Snakes: Information for Missouri Homeowners


Few animals are more disliked or misunderstood than snakes. Visit our site for our Snakes: Information for Missouri Homeowners resource.