The state 4-H website has information on individual Missouri 4-H projects.

Fair building project suggestions, demonstration ideas and more can be found under the Project Briefs sections. You can find many judging class options and Skill-a-thon ideas as well.

4-H invitational shoots in Missouri
Several counties offer special Invitational shooting matches open to other Missouri 4-H Shooting Sports members. Some of these offer nearly every event as the State Shoot; some only offer 1 or 2 events. These invitational matches are great opportunities to experience additional competition and match their skills against members from other counties. A certified coach is not required to participate. If the 4-H member is enrolled in the discipline and has been faithfully attending local instruction and practice they can participate – as long as parents take them and supervise. A list of these opportunities can be found on the 4-H shooting sports webpage.

The Show Me Quality Assurance (SMQA) Program emphasizes good management practices in the handling and use of animal health products, and encourages producers to review their approach to their herds' health programs. By completing this program, producers demonstrate their commitment to animal production. The entire industry benefits from widespread producer commitment to the program. The program, if put into practice by the majority of U.S. producers, will help the industry protect or even expand its market. This will be accomplished by reducing the risk of incidents that could destroy consumer confidence.

All 4-H members enrolled in food animal projects including beef, sheep, swine, dairy cattle, meats, dairy goats, rabbits and poultry must complete Show Me Quality Assurance (SMQA) certification.

Clover Kids resources - North State University Dakota Extension Service - Cass County

Non-animal resources

Photography guidelines (PDF)

Livestock resource
For those interested in studying beef, dairy, horse, sheep or swine knowledge, there is a fun online quiz you might want to check out from University of Illinois Extension.

Missouri Laws and Regulations for Animals and Livestock
Helpful links to Missouri laws and regulations specifically related to animals and livestock from Missouri Department of Agriculture.







