SW Missouri no stranger to drought in forages

WEST PLAINS, Mo. – Southwest Missouri farmers and livestock producers are no strangers to drought. In 2022, livestock owners face short-term and long-term challenges growing pastures for grazing and winter feeding.

MU Extension resources for farmers amid deepening drought

COLUMBIA, Mo. – “It’s not a good situation” for agriculture in the southern two-thirds of Missouri, where scant rainfall and high temperatures have led to worsening drought, said Pat Guinan, associate extension professor of climatology with University of Missouri Extension.The ample moisture in northern Missouri ends abruptly where drought conditions begin in central through southern Missouri, Guinan said.

Missouri Leads the Nation With Passage of Good Neighbor Week Bill

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Missouri Governor Mike Parsons signed HB1738 on Friday, July 1, 2022, which includes language designating Missouri Good Neighbor Week starting on National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28) and continuing for six days. The measure is a first for our nation, and it comes at a time when a reminder about the value of neighbors is desperately needed, according to University of Missouri Extension Community Development…

53 Missourians attend online training to learn to be a neighborhood connector for Good Neighbor Week

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension and The Hopeful Neighborhood Project are expanding their annual celebration of National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28) in 2022 with Missouri Good Neighbor Week (Sept. 28 – Oct. 4). This will be the fifth year of organizing a celebration of the national holiday and bringing attention to the engaged neighbor program, according to David Burton, county engagement specialist, MU Extension.

Topics announced for Neighboring 101 sessions

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – More than 500 people from across the United States are enrolled in a free online class offered monthly by University of Missouri Extension known as Neighboring 101. Class instructor and organizer David Burton, a community development specialist with MU Extension, says that since the class began in late 2019, courses and videos have had over 10,000 views or attendees.

MU Extension guide, spreadsheet help estimate farmland values

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Buyers and sellers who need an estimate of the value of a piece of farmland may not always find it feasible to get an appraisal, particularly one that reflects the land’s historical value needed to calculate taxes and settle estates.

10 Missouri small businesses prepare to “Elevate” beyond the second stage

Ten second-stage Missouri small businesses are learning from experts and each other how to move to the next level. Selected from across the state and representing the advertising, construction, health care, manufacturing, and retail trade industries, the following businesses are participating in the 2022 Elevate program supported and led by the Missouri Small Business Development Centers (SBDC).

Becoming an Engaged Neighbor Begins With Learning Names of Nearest Neighbors; MU Extension Chart Can Help

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- The vast majority of Americans do not know the names of their nearest neighbors, do not speak to those neighbors and do not know a personal fact about them. Most Americans have never had a conversation with their neighbor. Maybe they grunt when they pass on the street or wave when pulling out of the driveway, but that is its extent.

Cattle mineral and vitamin supplementation strategies

“Vitamins and minerals are a small portion of the diet, but important for normal cattle body function which results in optimum health, growth, and reproduction,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist.  Davis will discuss strategies to promote optimum cattle mineral and vitamin status, which will result in optimum cattle operation performance and profitability.

MU Extension Specialist Returns with Hardware from 47th Annual Neighborhoods USA Conference

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- David Burton, a community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension, came away from the 47th annual Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) national conference held in Little Rock, Arkansas (May 3 to May 7) with five coveted national awards in 10 possible categories.

Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) displays community art in Greene County through May 8

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Exhibits in the third annual Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) community arts program have popped up in Greene County and will be displayed April 23 - May 8, 2022. This year's "museum without walls" has addresses for 32 displays, including a couple of neighborhood art projects.

A key Missouri asset: MU Extension generated $1.2 billion economic impact in FY21

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension generated an estimated $1.2 billion economic impact throughout Missouri in fiscal year 2021, according to a recent impact analysis. That amount contributed to the University of Missouri System’s overall $6.5 billion economic impact statewide.

Residents Exceed Documentation Goal for Acts of Kindness Challenge; Kindness is Perfect Antidote for the Selfishness Virus

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Participants in this year's 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge helped the University of Missouri Extension document 873 kindness actions between March 20 and March 26, according to David Burton, a community development specialist with MU Extension.

Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) Strengthens Social Bonds Through Art April 23 – May 8 in Greene County

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Along with the invigorating energy of Spring, Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) is popping up near you from April 23 to May 8, 2022, with front lawn art created by your neighbors throughout Greene County. Think of it as a museum without walls says Deidre Argyle, an art professor at Missouri State and founder of LAWN. “LAWN is a city-wide public art exhibition made for front lawns by community members located in and…

Hog Wild

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Having grown up on a farm in the foothills of the Missouri Ozarks, Jerry Richards was prepared for droughts, snowstorms and torrential rains. He wasn’t prepared for feral hogs. 

Pasture management now leads to better grazing-season performance, profitability

“Pasture is the cheapest feed resource in a cattle operation,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. Proper pasture management in the late winter and early spring will help optimize forage production during the grazing months and will have a positive impact on production and profitability, Davis says.

Author Chris Rodell Shares About Mr. Rogers Real Neighborhood in Neighboring 101 Class March 17

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Chris Rodell, author of "Growing Up in Mr. Rogers' REAL Neighborhood: Life Lessons from the Heart of Latrobe, PA," will be the live guest in University of Missouri Extension's free monthly zoom class, Neighboring 101, starting at noon (CST) on Thursday, March 17.

Try These 100 Acts of Kindness To Celebrate Mister Rogers' Birthday on March 20

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. - It only takes a small act of kindness to make a big difference in the life of someone in your community, like a service provider, a community leader, a lonely person or a neighbor.

Helping to Create Healthy, Engaged Neighbor Relationships is an Essential Part of Community Betterment

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Nearly 150 communities in Missouri have a "community betterment association" of some type. The goal of the community betterment association can vary from town to town.

Watercolor Notecards Provide a Personal Touch to Neighboring, Can be Relaxing

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- When a neighbor receives a kind note from us, especially if it is handwritten, they feel like the writer has a deeper desire to serve them or connect. “Isolated and lonely people desire a personal touch. This has always been true. But it is especially true during this period in our social history,” said David Burton, community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

Discover Assets in Urban Neighborhood the Story of "Having Nothing, Possessing Everything" Says Author Mike Mather

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Michael Mather, author of "Having Nothing, Possessing Everything," was a guest in University of Missouri Extension's Neighboring 101 class on Dec. 16, 2021. He advocates for asset-based community development and never doing something for someone in a community that they can do for themselves.

Mental Health & Self-Care

It is important to take care of our mental health through daily and weekly self-care. There are times in life when we are going to feel overwhelmed whether it’s impending deadlines, a long to-do list, tension with a family member or friend, everyone experiences stress. The response to that stress is what impacts our mental health.

Hundreds of Different Choices Define Neighboring Relationships

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Developing positive and loving relationships with your neighbors does not happen in one day or even one week. Instead, the relationship takes time and depends on hundreds of different choices, said David Burton, county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

Before Flying Your New Aerial Drone, Learn the Rules

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment (DRONE) is at the top of many gift wish lists this year. But it is best to get acquainted with the rules for aerial drones before using one, according to Willa Williams, 4-H youth development specialist in Greene County with University of Missouri Extension.

Properly Fitted Bike Helmet Key to Reducing Injuries

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Bicycles remain a popular holiday gift purchase but the gift would be incomplete without a bicycle helmet according to Willa Williams, 4-H youth specialist in Greene County with University of Missouri Extension and a League Cycling Instructor. “When people are thinking about buying bicycles this holiday, remember to include a bicycle helmet,” said Williams. “All bike riders should wear bicycle helmets.”

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