Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 50


Viceroy caterpillars (Limenitis archippus) are present from early summer to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 18


Garden webworm caterpillars (Achyra rantalis) are present from late spring to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 53


Whitemarked tussock moth caterpillars (Orgyia leucostigma) are present from May to October. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 21


Greenstriped mapleworm caterpillars (Dryocampa rubicunda) are present from late spring to late fall. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 56


Zebra swallowtail caterpillars (Graphium marcellus) are present from May to November. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 24


Hickory horned devil caterpillars (Citheronia regalis) are present from July to October. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 27


Io moth caterpillars (Automeris io) are present from July to October. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 30


Orangedog caterpillars (Papilio cresphontes) are present from July to October. They produce two generations per year. They are considered a pest to citrus trees.

Least-Toxic Control Methods to Manage Indoor Plant Pests


This publication discusses some of the least-toxic control options you can use for pests of houseplants, home greenhouses and interior plantscapes.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 33


Pickleworm caterpillars (Diaphania nitidalis) are present from summer to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Twig Girdler and Twig Pruner


Twig Girdler and Twig Pruner are long-horned beetle species that attack numerous types of valuable trees. Visit our website to learn more.

Home Fruit Production: Peach and Nectarine Culture


Peach and nectarine trees require considerable care, so cultivars must be carefully selected. Get tips for growing these fruits — including how many trees to plant, how to train and prune them, and how much to water them — in this guide.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 04


Bagworm caterpillars (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis) are present from early June to August. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 36


Red-spotted purple caterpillars (Limenitis arthemis) are present from early summer to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Boxelder Bug


Richard Houseman
State entomology extension specialist

Bruce Barrett
State entomology extension specialist

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 07


Cabbage looper caterpillars (Trichoplusia ni) are present from late spring to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 39


Smalleyed sphinx caterpillars (Paonias myops) are present from May through September. They produce multiple generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 10


Clearwinged sphinx caterpillars (Hemaris diffinis) are present from April to September. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 42


Stalk borer caterpillars (Papaipema nebris) are present from May to August. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 13


Eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum) are present from early spring to June. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 45


Tobacco hornworm caterpillars (Manduca sexta), left, and tomato hornworm caterpillars (Manduca quinquemaculata), below, are present from June through September. They produce two or more generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 48


Variegated cutworm caterpillars (Peridroma saucia) are present from late spring to early summer. They produce two to four generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 16


European pine sawfly caterpillars (Neodiprion sertifer) are present in spring and summer. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 51


Red phase and black phase walnut caterpillars (Datana integerrima) are present from early May to September. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 19


Gray furcula caterpillars (Furcula cinerea) are present from spring to fall. They produce two generations per year.

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