Funding Incentives for Agroforestry in Missouri
Find government and private funding programs to finance practices such as alley cropping, windbreaks, riparian buffers, silvopasture and forest farming.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 21
Missouri is home to more than 200 species of sedges (Cyperaceae). Agronomically, yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus, is considered to be the most problematic in prevalence of this family of plants.
Management and Care of the Herd Boar
Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2018, No. 6 (November/December)
Tips for stress-free holiday food-prep and gifting: Gift dry cake and bread mixes layered in jars. Label home canned food gifts for safety. Prepare and freeze foods for dinner ahead of time. Learn more in this University of Missouri Extension newsletter.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 24
Fabaceae (Pea family), the legume family, is one of the largest groups of broadleaf plants. Common members include clovers and various beans and peas.
Herd Health Programs for Swine Seedstock Production
This guide outlines good health practices for a seedstock swine herd. Preventive practices are emphasized. Specifics vary from herd to herd and are too individualized to address in this guide. Specifics should be worked out with the herd's veterinarian.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 27
Common members of Lamiaceae (Mint family) not shown in this guide are henbit and purple deadnettle, which are two of the most prevalent winter annuals in Missouri.
Introduction to Crop Scouting
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available only as a downloadable PDF.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 30
Devil’s-claw, also known as unicorn plant, is the only known species of Martyniaceae (Unicorn-plant family) to be present in Missouri.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 33
Although about 18 genera of Passifloraceae (Passionflower family) are known, only one genus is known to be present in Missouri.
Pesticide Storage
Learn guidelines to ensure the safe and environmentally friendly storage of pesticides.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 04
In Missouri the amaranths (pigweeds) make up the vast majority of plant genera that occur within this family.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 36
About 270 species of Poaceae (Grass family), true grasses, are found in the state. Many species are economically important, including corn, wheat, sorghum, rye, fescue, oats, rice, barley and various millets.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 07
The Dogbane family (Apocynaceae) has relatively few members that occur in Missouri.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 39
Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family), a rather large group of plants, is best known for buttercups, of which there are nearly 20 species in Missouri. Clematis is another fairly common plant genus occurring in this family.
Agricultural Phosphorus and Water Quality
This guide demonstrates the complexities of reducing losses of phosphorus from agricultural land and the range of options available to help reach water quality goals.
Measuring Manure Spreader Uniformity
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 10
Asteraceae, the aster family is the largest and most diverse family of broadleaf plants in Missouri. Its members include various species of goldenrod, sunflower and thistle.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 42
Rubiaceae (Madder family) is a large family of plants with about 600 genera; there are about eight genera present in Missouri. The genus Galium is the largest in this state with at least 11 species, including a common winter annual, catchweed bedstraw.
Artificial Insemination in Swine: Breeding the Female
The use of artificial insemination in the U.S has skyrocketed. Visit our website to view our Artificial Insemination in Swine: Breeding the Female article.
Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 13
Brassicaceae (Mustard family) is one of the larger groups of plants in the state. Several plants within this family, such as yellow rocket and wild mustard, are common throughout Missouri.