Environmental analysis information form
This testing is intended to analyze nutrients and metals in the soil in your growing environment. Complete and submit this form along with your samples.

E3A Understanding Energy: Energy Pyramid
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E3A Home Energy: Top Ten Tips
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E3A Biodiesel: Oilseed Processing
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E3A Micro-hydro: Introduction
A micro-hydroelectric system for your home, farm or ranch can reduce your use of utility-provided electricity. Learn about the water and power needs of a micro-hydro system in this guide.

E3A Home Energy: Carbon Monoxide
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E3A Micro-hydro: Equipment and Installer Selection and Costs
Selecting the right equipment is crucial to the success of a hydropower system. Learn about impulse and reaction turbines, the two main types used for micro-hydro systems, in this guide.

Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighters, Third Edition Manual
New $70 to $85
The purpose of this manual is to provide land-based (shoreside) fire service personnel with the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and effective management of marine fire incidents. The content of this manual is written to meet the job performance requirements of NFPA 1005, the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard for Professional Qualifications for Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Fire Fighters, 2019 Edition.

E3A Small Wind: Small Wind Energy Checklist
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E3A Small Wind: Assessing Your Wind Resource
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E3A Understanding Energy: Off-Grid Living
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E3A Small Wind: Economic Considerations and Incentives
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E3A Understanding Energy: Sources and Uses of Energy in the United States
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E3A Small Wind: Living With Small Wind
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E3A Anaerobic Digesters: Introduction
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E3A Farm Energy: Energy-Saving Practices for Poultry Operations
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E3A Anaerobic Digesters: Economics
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E3A Solar Electricity: Introduction
Discover photovoltaic technology. Dispel some myths about the cost of a photovoltaic system. Learn about energy payback, PV technology and solar cells.

E3A Solar Hot Water: Introduction
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E3A Solar Electricity: System Options
Learn about the four most common solar electric system options: grid-connected systems with or without batteries, off-grid systems and PV-direct systems.

E3A Home Energy: Cooling Your Home
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E3A Solar Hot Water: System Options
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E3A Solar Electricity: System Sizing
Determine the correct size for your solar electric photovoltaic (PV) system, and view solar radiation data for flat-plate collectors and panels.

E3A Home Energy: Indoor Air Quality
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E3A Solar Hot Water: Installation
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The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.