Succession Planning for Woodland Owners
Learn how to transition a family-owned forest to the next generation by assembling a succession team, using estate planning tools and outlining tasks for forest owners.

Broadband Technologies: A Primer on Access and Solutions
Learn broadband terminology and issues related to access — availability and adoption. Access to high-speed internet encourages equitable opportunities.

Understanding Casualty Loss of Timber
See how adjusted basis and fair market value affect how to account for losing timber to fires, storms, floods, vandalism or other events in your tax return.

Starting and Operating a Farmers Market: Frequently Asked Questions
Learn what makes a farmers market successful and feasible. Get tips about how to start or improve a market to make local food available in your community.

Population Trends in Missouri and Its Regions
Estimates show that between 2019 and 2020, Missouri grew by 0.2%, adding over 11,000 net new residents. The state grew at half the national growth rate (0.4%), but was largely consistent with many Midwestern and neighboring states. This population growth, however, has occurred unevenly throughout the state.

Growing Sunflowers
Sunflowers are an easy, fast growing flower that can add much fun to the garden. Learn about common varieties and how to grow them in this one-page guide.

Winter Sowing Seeds
Winter sowing is a method of starting seeds in late winter for spring transplanting. Learn what plants you can winter sow and how in this one-page guide.

Worker Protection Standard Overview
Read about how the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard applies to agricultural pesticide use and what you as a farm employer must do to comply with the standard.

The Cut Flower Garden
Learn how to plant and harvest easy-to-grow flowers and how to arrange them in a vase in this colorful two-page guide.

Taking Plant Cuttings
Grow new plants with cuttings from existing ones. Learn how to take a cutting and create an environment in which it can develop roots in this 2-page guide.

Native Forage: A Guide to Getting the Most From Your Grazing Operation
Adding warm-season grass areas to a grazing system that already features cool-season grass creates a forage system that allows livestock owners to keep their herds feeding on high-quality forage for more of the year.

An Employer’s Guide to Worker Protection Standard Compliance
Learn terms used in EPA’s Worker Protection Standard, and read about duties the standard outlines for agricultural employers, workers and pesticide handlers.

Designing a Butterfly Garden
Learn how to make a butterfly garden, get some fun facts and tips about butterflies, and see two example butterfly gardens in this colorful two-page guide.

Making Seed Tapes
Making seed tapes is a great winter activity that makes for quick planting during gardening season. Learn how in this one-page guide.

Weather-Related Sales of Livestock
Find out whether federal tax law allows farms to defer income earned after selling animals because of drought, flood or related weather conditions.

Soybean Gall Midge
Soybean gall midge is a newly described insect species that attacks and severely damages soybean. Learn how to scout for and identify this pest — currently established in parts of South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri — in this guide.

Split-Time AI: Using Estrus Detection Aids to Optimize Timed Artificial Insemination
Timed artificial insemination pregnancy rates in heifers can be optimized with a split-time AI approach. Estrotect estrus detection aids allow producer to determine the estrous status of females. Learn about the protocols in this MU Extension guide.

Calving Season Considerations for Commercial Beef Cattle Operations
Managing when cows calve can have significant implications for the profitability of a cow-calf operation. Learn how to manage for a short, defined calving period and thus reduce costs and optimize productivity of the cow herd in this MU Extension guide.

Preparation and Handling of Catheters for Artificial Insemination of Cattle
Learn proper semen handling to achieve maximum conception rates with artificial insemination in beef cattle. Reduced conception rates occur if semen is handled improperly before, during or after thawing. See this illustrated MU Extension guide for more.

Determination of Pregnancy Status in Beef Herds
Pregnancy examination provides valuable information that enables cow-calf operations to make management decisions that increase profitability and improve long-term reproductive efficiency. Learn about several methods in this MU Extension guide.

Reproductive Management of Bos indicus-Influenced Beef Cattle
Bos indicus cattle present challenges with estrus synchronization. Learn about the timing of estrus onset for them, their susceptibility to stress, and considerations and expectations when breeding them in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Sampling Safely at Farmers Markets — Fact Sheet
Read this to understand sampling regulations at farmers markets. Learn how to establish and estimate costs for handwash stations and washing and sanitizing stations.